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Classe tous risques, Movie, 1960 IMDB

Pictures provided by: mozinor, sixcyl, DidierF

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Also known as:

  • Der Panther wird gehetzt (Germany)
  • A todo riesgo (Spain)
  • Asfalto che scotta (Italy)

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Comments about this movie

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sixcyl FR

2006-05-20 14:35

I pointed much more interesting * and ** from this film of Claude Sautet.
For those who likes any type of Transports
Milano tramway
[Image: caravelle1xd.2817.jpg]
Sud Aviation Caravelle

sixcyl FR

2006-05-20 14:59

It's amusing and amazing to point as well how many breach of nowadays laws are done in this film:

The little boy on L.Ventura's knees in the Buick :D
[Image: buickcabriolet13en.2923.jpg]
No seat-belt of course! :D
[Image: berlineus24oy.9291.jpg]
jP Belmondo smoking close to petrol pump :D
[Image: desotoambulance9a8pt.9146.jpg]
No use of helmet (those were the days!) :D
[Image: moto29os.1214.jpg] [Image: peugeot403familiale1oo.8708.jpg]
..but compared to the large number of rubberies and murders done during the action , it's peanuts ! :D

antp BE

2006-05-20 16:01

sixcyl wrote
No seat-belt of course! :D

Still quite common :/ Including in movies...

DidierF FR

2014-12-22 11:20

J'ai ajouté les chronos, un cabriolet italien (probablement une Lancia) et des motos de la gendarmerie, probablement des euh… des anglaises.

[Image: vlcsnap-2014-12-22-06h39m36s133.jpg]
Great noir directed by Claude Sautet, his second feature film. Lino Ventura, as great as ever, and Jean-Paul Belmondo, excellent.

A nice Italian moped here:
[Image: vlcsnap-2014-12-22-06h47m58s22.jpg]

and… a Lambretta?
[Image: vlcsnap-2014-12-22-06h52m26s74.jpg]

And for rjluna2, a De Soto, the Tour Eiffel and a traffic light, altogether in the winter mist, Paris, 1960:
[Image: vlcsnap-2014-12-22-09h18m07s242.jpg]

rjluna2 US

2014-12-22 14:12

DidierF wrote And for rjluna2, a De Soto, the Tour Eiffel and a traffic light, altogether in the winter mist, Paris, 1960:

Merci, Didier :)

My comments at Traffic Lights in Internet Movie Car Database.

DidierF FR

2015-07-09 04:26

Reading this it appears that the characters played by Lino Ventura and Stefan Krol are more than loosely based on French gangsters Abel Danos and Raymond Naudy.

Ah euh, well, hum…
Quote Lino Ventura : Abel Davos
Stefan Krol : Raymond Naldi.
Please stop calling me 'Sherlock'.

-- Last edit: 2015-07-09 04:30:43

sixcyl FR

2023-10-04 19:13

Aircraft at Pictures provided by sixcyl.

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