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Estate violenta, Movie, 1959 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Alessandro58

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Also known as:

  • Violent Summer
  • Wilder Sommer (Germany)
  • Kohtalokas kesä (Finland)
  • Été violent (France)
  • Viaio kalokairi (Greece)

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Comments about this movie

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Alessandro58 CH

2010-09-02 16:48

[Image: vlcsnap2010090211h43m41.4519.jpg]

Only a few vehicles in this movie.

-- Last edit: 2010-09-02 16:55:28

andrepa DE

2016-10-10 19:40

10.10.2016 TV premiere in Germany on arte


2016-10-10 23:14

Hurrah ! I apologize; the aircraft is on the hard drive.

-- Last edit: 2016-10-11 00:39:22

Gamer DE

2016-10-10 23:17

He, das Wort ist 'n bisschen zu vulgär für die Website!

ElSaxo IT

2016-10-11 00:07

[Image: 73c27126b3.jpg]


2016-10-12 19:21

Waoh !
IMPDB is working again and so you can discover here ( this rare "straffer".

ein bischen spât : Joyeux anniversaire Gamer (und noch einmal, Entschuldigung !)

Gamer DE

2016-10-13 14:33 have I changed? Am I still the immature, childish teen I was last summer? :D

dsl SX

2016-10-13 15:28

I have no idea how to answer that question - it's too loaded. Just be yourself - you got enough birthday congrats from lots of folk, so enjoy the warm glow of international popularity.

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2016-10-13 15:28

Gamer wrote have I changed? Am I still the immature, childish teen I was last summer? :D

I don't think so. Even though some people still make dumb cracks about it. [:rolleyes]

But dsl is right.

-- Last edit: 2016-10-14 03:10:14


2016-10-16 04:41

Gamer wrote have I changed? Am I still the immature, childish teen I was last summer? :D

Some people still ask themselves the same question when retiring, and even later :D

Es ist sicherlich ein wenig spät dafür, aber...
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

[Image: bearbirthday--333x250.jpg]

DidierF FR

2023-04-13 04:46

Un autre film découpé par Alessandro58 qui est maintenant “time-tagged”.

Une autre merveille de Valerio Zurlini, déjà splendidement photographié par Tino Santoni. Eleonora Rossi Drago y est bellissima, et Jean-Louis Trintignant excellent, comme Jacqueline Sassard dans un rôle bref mais bien tenu.

(Avec La ragazza con la valigia, Estate violenta est un lointain souvenir cinéphilique que je me félicite d’avoir revisité. Le prochain sera Cronaca familiare mais il n’est pas sur IMCDb.)

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