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Les mauvais coups, Movie, 1961 IMDB

Pictures provided by: 50sParis

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Also known as:

  • Naked Autumn
  • Hunger nach Liebe (Germany)
  • Golpes de la vida (Spain)
  • Los malos golpes (Spain)
  • I cattivi colpi (Italy)

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Comments about this movie

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50sParis NL

2014-07-13 17:40

[Image: screenshot2014-07-13at031925.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at034456.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at042531.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at035510.jpg]
[Image: screenshot2014-07-13at042151.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at051218.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at042239.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at042219.jpg]
[Image: screenshot2014-07-13at042429.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at042445.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at03-57-39-jpeg.jpg] [Image: screen_shot_2014-07-13_at_03.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2022-08-15 20:06:35

50sParis NL

2014-07-13 18:51

There is a car racing by in the background that looks like a 250 GT SWB Berlinetta, but is hard to identify

[Image: screenshot2014-07-13at051309copy.jpg] [Image: screenshot2014-07-13at051528copy2.jpg]

DidierF FR

2015-08-05 00:35

Le premier film de François Leterrier, quand il était un jeune (31 ans) réalisateur ambitieux.

Simone Signoret, Reginald Kernan, et une belle et touchante Alexandra Stewart.

[Image: leterrier61mauvais2.jpg]
[*] 00:21:04

… un Ferguson TE 20, peut-être.

Et puis on a presque deux minutes, en pénultième séquence, sur cet engin :

[Image: leterrier61mauvais6su.jpg]
[Image: leterrier61mauvais9su.jpg]
[*][*] 01:37:43 et 56

à rouler au pas, sur un chemin boueux, sous bois, à la recherche de la Mercedes. On dirait un Dodge "command car", pas comme la dépanneuse vue plus haut qui semble avoir un toit fixe. Ici, le pare-brise est abaissé et on a des échancrures pour portes.

Before the day light final sequence in Modena, two minutes in a vehicle driving slowly in the woods on a muddy path. It looks like a Dodge Command Car. The sound is very regular and smooth. The nose is rather narrow, like a [G505].

The pics have been time-tagged.

-- Last edit: 2015-08-05 00:50:17

50sParis NL

2022-08-15 20:04

[Image: screenshot2022-08-15at191427.jpg]

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