
Last completed movie pages

Las Luchadoras contra el médico asesino, Movie, 1963 IMDB

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Also known as:

  • Doctor of Doom, Rock 'N Roll Wrestling Women vs. the Aztec Ape, Sex Monster
  • La terrificante notte dei robot assassini (Italy)

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stronghold EN

2007-12-23 14:19

[Image: doctorofdoom1py8.1223.jpg] [Image: doctorofdoom2ev4.8632.jpg] [Image: doctorofdoom3mj2.7162.jpg] [Image: doctorofdoom4ld1.5162.jpg]
Below the 'Wrestling Women' and the Aztec ape (with/without armour!)
[Image: doctorofdoom35pw2.1395.jpg] [Image: doctorofdoom25ko3.400.jpg] [Image:] [Image: doctorofdoom23ec6.6549.jpg] [Image: doctorofdoom34xp5.8663.jpg] [Image: doctorofdoom20ln8.4890.jpg] [Image:] [Image: doctorofdoom43fo7.6029.jpg] [Image: doctorofdoom46sj2.9799.jpg] [Image: doctorofdoom47rb3.7903.jpg]
and not forgetting the 'Doctor' of doom.! :)
[Image: doctorofdoom33mr8.7558.jpg]

Dj_Sergio ES

2007-12-24 00:42

tiene pinta de ser la tipica pelicula friki de los años 60 xD

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