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Liebesgrüße aus Tirol, Movie, 1964 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Ralph

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Ralph DE

2008-06-22 13:35

[Image: aa00duv9.7919.jpg] [Image:] [Image: aa00clk8.3289.jpg] [Image: aa00aaz8.7162.jpg] [Image: aa00bck2.4079.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2008-06-22 13:59

Ralph wrote [Image: aa00aaz8.7162.jpg]

"Twist! ... à St-Gallen!" ...

Ralph wrote [Image: aa00bck2.4079.jpg]

Hello, let's shake our hands

sixcyl FR

2008-06-22 14:01

I don't know why , but each times these Ralph's old technicolour pictures remind me Faller/marklin/Fleishmann HO scales scenes :D

Ralph DE

2008-06-22 14:19

sixcyl wrote Hello, let's shake our hands


...and for the sixcyl eyes only!
Spoiler - click here to see it
[Image: aa00nqx4.6643.jpg] sorry, but its 1964 :(

atom SE

2008-06-22 14:22

You really got my hopes up :(

chris40 UK

2008-06-22 16:10

sixcyl wrote I don't know why , but each times these Ralph's old technicolour pictures remind me Faller/marklin/Fleishmann HO scales scenes :D

Me too ... with Wiking/Herpa vehicles ... I may be the only British member of this site who actually owned a Märklin train set (with Faller buildings), but so long ago the Wiking vehicles didn't even have proper windows ... :/

Ralph DE

2008-06-23 11:00

@ sixcyl and chris40

you are know the biggest H0 areal - Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg

Link to ""

sixcyl FR

2008-06-23 20:42

Ralph wrote you are know the biggest H0 areal - Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg /

Excellent! [Image: top.gif]
I must visit this next time I go to Hamburg ;)

chris40 wrote I may be the only British member of this site who actually owned a Märklin train set (with Faller buildings), but so long ago the Wiking vehicles didn't even have proper windows ... :/

Bad boy! Not having a Hornby OO ?? :D
.... But you're a good German, because Electric Model railway is a MUST in any family in germany. Owning a Marklin or Fleishmann train set is sort of "human right" for a "normal citizen " in Germany ... everybody must have one! :D

What about me? ... I've all the collection of my father + some of mine ... about 50/60 locos and many wagons ...but all in boxes :/

sixcyl FR

2008-06-23 20:44

Ralph wrote ...and for the sixcyl eyes only!

héhé ! [Image: sol.gif]

Ingo DE

2008-06-23 21:29

@sixcyl: be happy, that the stuff is in boxes - it makes it much more valuable. Do you have Märklin?

I owned (still own) the basic Märklin-set with a litte bit more locos and wagons. I've played with it, but later on I started to collect the WIKING 1:87-scale cars. In the late 90ies I've stopped it, because the cars are getting too expensive - I spent my money then for real cars. :)

chris40 UK

2008-06-23 21:37

sixcyl wrote
Bad boy! Not having a Hornby OO ?? :D
.... But you're a good German, because Electric Model railway is a MUST in any family in germany. Owning a Marklin or Fleishmann train set is sort of "human right" for a "normal citizen " in Germany ... everybody must have one! :D

I'd had Hornby Dublo before, but in those days, although the locos were pretty good models, the trucks and carriages were tinplate and the track three-rail. The Märklin track had conductor studs instead of a third rail, and the rolling stock was much better made. I took my father to a model shop in Freiburg-im-Breisgau and persuaded him to get me an early birthday present … ;)

Ingo DE

2008-06-23 21:39

By the way: for some freaks it's nearly "a question of religion" and a reason for big discussions: "Märklin or Fleischmann?" and for car-collectors "WIKING or Herpa?" I was a strict MÄRKLIN- and WIKING-kid. My car-collection is clean. All the very few Herpa's, I've owned, I've sold or swapped.

Märklin and WIKING is more traditional, more for collectors and enthusiasts. Herpa has always brought too many cars too fast on the market.

In the 80ies sometimes you could get the GDR-made PIKO (Märklin-compatible) for much lower prices than Märklin, also 1:87 scale-cars. But as a serious freak I never took a notice about that.

Ralph DE

2008-06-24 20:34

I have märklin too :) , but its Märklin Sprint the Race-Track with BMW 2002 turbo racecar and Märklin BMW 2002 / 2000CS modelcars.
Also a lot of 1:87 BMW 2000/2002 Brekina's and Herpas. Also a lot of another scale BMW 2002, 2000, 2000CS.

As child i owned a märklin H0 train and later a small-sized Minitrix.

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