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Pleins feux sur Stanislas, Movie, 1965 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Rendezvous der Killer (Germany)
  • Killer Spy (USA)

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sixcyl FR

2008-08-14 12:52

[Image: pleinsfeuxsurstanislaszu6.2597.jpg]

With that film, they tried to tend to a sort of "J.Bond à la française"... but who knows Stanislas nowadays? :D

Nadja Tiller
[Image: comafrb9.1614.jpg] [Image: comagql5.4122.jpg] [Image: comahyp0.9528.jpg]

Bernadette Lafond
[Image: comhayf7.1517.jpg] [Image: comheqg8.6408.jpg] [Image: comhguh9.8974.jpg]

+ some random pictures of the film
[Image: comcdru8.144.jpg] [Image: comcfxf4.351.jpg] [Image: comdawb2.8457.jpg] [Image: comeaux1.9132.jpg] [Image: comfaot6.2960.jpg] [Image: comjbul3.9336.jpg]

A toy-shop in 1965:
[Image: paysageaaos3.8894.jpg] [Image: paysageacwz6.1103.jpg] [Image: paysageadze3.3636.jpg]
with a, rare and expensive nowadays, tin-toy Renault 120CV "fainéant" Plateau Laitier from french toy make C.I.J. :)

at last, a 2D2 9100
[Image: trainaagj8.3572.jpg] [Image: trainabrc0.1264.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-08-14 12:55:19

Weasel1984 PL

2008-08-14 17:59

This Renault toy truck and scale train model (1:1 is good as well) are really cool! :king:

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