
Last completed movie pages

Colpo maestro al servizio di Sua Maestà britannica, Movie, 1967 IMDB

Pictures provided by: DidierF

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Also known as:

  • Golpe de Mestre a Serviço de Sua Majestade Britânica (Brazil)
  • Der Super-Coup der Profi-Asse (Germany)
  • Die Doppelgänger (Germany)
  • Kugleregn og diamanter (Denmark)
  • Gran golpe al servicio de su majestad británica (Spain)
  • Coup de maître (France)
  • Coup de maître au service de sa majesté britannique (France)
  • I nyhta tis megalis listeias (Greece)
  • Hua shen da dao lian huan ju jie an (Hong Kong SAR)
  • The Great Diamond Robbery (Hong Kong SAR)
  • Master Stroke on Her Britannic Majesty's Service (Japan)
  • 女王陛下の大作戦 (Japan)
  • Meesterslag in dienst van Hare Majesteit (Netherlands)
  • Wielki skok (Poland)
  • Om du lever så skjut (Sweden)
  • Londra soygunu (Türkiye)
  • Master Stroke (USA)
  • Pljacka po nalogu britanske tajne sluzbe (Yugoslavia)

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Comments about this movie

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DidierF FR

2015-07-10 03:33

Eh merde… La longueur du titre m'a fait cliquer sur [ Add to complete list ] au lieu de [ Add a vehicle ]…

By Jove, because the length of the title I clicked [ Add to complete list ] instead of [ Add a vehicle ]!

It's not complete! It's in process of completion.

Spanish/Italian production made in Britain!

Sandie SX

2015-07-10 03:34

:king: Always good to see old films from Britain here. I was a bit disappointed when I thought it was only two cars!

DidierF FR

2015-07-10 03:44

Yeah, Sandie, don't worry, there will be other cars… Maybe some R*-j**ls, even.

But the quality (for the pics) is not there.

DidierF FR

2015-07-10 06:40

Well, basta cosi.

So, this was…

[Image: lupo67colpo001.jpg]

… directed by Michele Lupo.

I had a French dubbed copy, not only mutilated in its formate (it should have been 2.35:1, it is not) but shortened since the original is 111 min flick, and I saw a 92 min one. [Well, if I understand correctly what IMDb says, I had a French video version, maybe this explains that.]

Heist/spy movie, involving diamonds and (HM) secret services. And some humour too, to the beginning (with a spaghetti-western set, a false Sergio Leone, and so on) and the end. The rest is quite serious and, if not for the bank setting (almost science-fictionnesque and rather, well, childish), the settings and camera works are good, sometimes very good and surprising, as is the pace.

We have a pre-climax scene happening in "the Nottingham depot", full of old locomotives:

[Image: lupo67colpo133.jpg]
[Image: lupo67colpo135.jpg]
[Image: lupo67colpo136.jpg]

and a finale in an aerodrome. (Stuff for IMPDb to come.)

The story is complicated, with many twists. The whole stuff is not exactly my cup of tea but it is certainly entertaining. And the acting is not bad at all, with…

… Richard Harrison (severely beatten)…
[Image: lupo67colpo143.jpg]
… and Wolverhampton Wonder, Margaret Lee…

… and a good and restrained Adolfo Celi,
[Image: lupo67colpo163.jpg]

and Antonio Casas, Eduardo Fajardo, Andrea Bosic, Gérard Tichy, Luciano Pigozzi, etc.

The music signed Francesco De Masi is outrageously Bond-esque in the opening, then rather good. Voilà.

Quizz? OK:

[Image: lupo67colpo045.jpg]
[Image: lupo67colpo076.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2015-07-10 18:28:07

DidierF FR

2015-07-10 07:05


[Image: lupo67colpo004.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo005.jpg]

arrivée à Londres…

[Image: lupo67colpo011.jpg]

Puis, à la fin du film, une bagarre (mortelle) dans un hangar d'aérodrome :

[Image: lupo67colpo175.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo177.jpg]
[Image: lupo67colpo178.jpg]

[Image: lupo67colpo180.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo181.jpg]
[Image: lupo67colpo184.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo196.jpg]

[Image: lupo67colpo192.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo195.jpg]
[Image: lupo67colpo198.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo199.jpg]

[Image: lupo67colpo200.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo204.jpg]
[Image: lupo67colpo206.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo209.jpg]
[Image: lupo67colpo210.jpg][Image: lupo67colpo216.jpg]

Bon, je vous laisse trier, hein ?

rjluna2, there is stuff for you in the commentaries!

DidierF FR

2015-07-10 19:25

So there is a Jaguar Mk.I somewhere among the more or less faked police cars bunch.
Amidst the thumbnails I post, what would be the better to illustrate it?

johnfromstaffs EN

2015-07-10 20:07

In the bottom thumb of the MG Magnette picture you will see two Jags, (no, not him!) the black Mk1 and the grey Mk2 for comparison. You could give that picture a page.

Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2015-07-10 22:13:04

DidierF FR

2015-07-10 22:50

(Merci, jfs.)

Corkeyandpals US

2017-09-14 05:52

Aircraft at: Link to ""

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