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The Odd Couple, Movie, 1968 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Raul1983, shlc647

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Also known as:

  • Ein seltsames Paar (Germany)
  • La extraña pareja (Spain)
  • Parittomat kaverukset (Finland)
  • Drôle de couple (France)
  • La strana coppia (Italy)

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Comments about this movie

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Raul1983 FI

2009-01-12 20:39

[Image: 144889-odd1.jpg] [Image: 144890-odd4.jpg]

shlc647 US

2019-11-04 01:49

[Image: screenshot763.jpg]

Done with Blu Ray captures and added some missing vehicles.

Excellent movie, first saw it when both my parents and Grandparents had a movie night when I was a young kid. It's a really funny, well made and well scripted movie. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau are quite a hilarious duo. Definitely should be on everyone's watch list if they haven't seen it.


2019-11-04 14:29

One of my favourite movies

andrepa DE

2019-11-04 15:45

The spinnoff series 'Männerwirtschaft' was broadcasted in Germany September 1970 - Juli 1975 Männerwirtschaft
I have watched all the episodes than.

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