
Last completed movie pages

Division 4, AU TV Series, 1969-1975 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Keats

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dsl SX

2016-11-03 14:18

:king: Excellent selection of locally made British stuff.

nzcarnerd NZ

2016-11-08 17:32

And American stuff. The Pontiacs and Chevrolets, for example, were sourced from Canada as CKD kits and assembled by GM Holdens. Very similar but not quite identical to those sold in NZ, which were assembled in NZ by the local GM assembly operation.

-- Last edit: 2016-11-08 17:36:06

Sandie SX

2016-11-10 14:43

@Keats: Similar vehicles (same year and bodystyle) with minor or background roles (less than [*][*]) should be grouped on one page rather than each get a page. For example there are currently 8 pages for 1967 Valiants which is a bit much.

Keats AU

2016-11-10 22:27

@Sandie - As you wish; I'll give them a miss from now on...

dsl SX

2016-11-10 23:03

@Keats - it's a judgement call on how you do it, given that you've got the footage and we have not. Loads of separate pages for identical cars clutters everything up - uses up server space and also creates an overall page which becomes too unwieldy. And if too repetitive, no-one would really browse/enjoy it. But these are good quality captures with lots of clear detail so deserve display. Solution - as Sandie says - cluster them together so one page for all the sightings of similar 67 Valiants etc - they can be added with ep numbers and any other info after the page is validated (comparable example). If you find an unusual 67 Valiant version worth highlighting separately, an additional page and explanation why.

Keats AU

2016-11-10 23:11

@dsl - All noted! Any way of regrouping the ones I've already added?

dsl SX

2016-11-10 23:25

Only manually. Choose your favourite - clearest/most significant role/earliest ep/whatever - then add the others in comments on that page - usually earliest ep first - reposting pictures you've already used and giving ep numbers and any other info you want. Then add comment "Page no longer needed - delete" on each of the now duplicated pages. And one of our highly trained staff will be along shortly ....

MisterZ AU

2016-12-17 14:05

@Keats - just a few suggestions. Colour grabs should replace existing B&W grabs wherever possible (such as when the number of stars of the colour grab is at least that of the old B&W image). If it's a rare vehicle, it's also much better to have a colour grab than B&W. Get the mods to do this for you. Secondly, I notice a lot of your images have interlacing issues (during fast motion). If you're using VLC, turn on de-interlacing in preferences. Once you figure out how to do this, I suggest replacing some of the older images where this is very bad/noticeable. The image aspect ratios are also slightly off - at 1.275:1. They should be around 1.33:1 but no less than 1.3:1

-- Last edit: 2016-12-17 14:22:11

Keats AU

2017-03-24 05:28

Original opener: [Image: division4original.jpg] Commercial marker: [Image: division4commarkera.jpg] Closer: [Image: division4closera.jpg]

Colour opener: [Image: division4colour.jpg] Colour commercial marker: [Image: division4colourcommarker.jpg] Colour closer: [Image: division4clourcloser.jpg]

Keats AU

2017-03-24 07:52

Series is basically done, with the exception of a few stragglers which are either too distant from the camera, only show a small portion of the vehicle, or don't show enough to clearly identify the specific model / body style. My own thought is that they'd be acceptable as comments on existing pages, but not good enough to warrant their own pages.


Clearer cap not possible (pity - it's a great vehicle!):
[Image: 256faircop-peugeotuteb.jpg]

Too far away / not enough shown:
[Image: 221approachwithcaution-fiat.jpg] [Image: 220munichjob-xygt.jpg] [Image: 293onceuponatime-dyna.jpg] [Image: 155wheninrome-homer.jpg]
[Image: 281acivilquestion-180b.jpg] [Image: 277thefanatic-corona.jpg] [Image: 294deadfall-lcgtr.jpg] [Image: 207younghennessey-bmw.jpg]

Can't identify specific body style; this could be two-door or four-door:
[Image: 269everysheilasdream-escort.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-03-24 08:00:08

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