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Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti (Forgive Us Our Debts), Movie, 2018 IMDB

Pictures provided by: AleX_DJ

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Also known as:

  • Perdoai as Nossas Dívidas (Brazil)
  • Vergib uns unsere Schuld (Germany)
  • Perdónanos nuestras deudas (Spain)
  • Anna meidän velkamme anteeksi (Finland)
  • Και άφες ημίν τα χρέη ημών (Greece)
  • Forlat oss vår skyld (Norway)
  • I odpusc nam nasze dlugi (Poland)
  • Perdoem-nos as Nossas Dívidas (Portugal)
  • Прости нам долги наши (Russia)
  • Förlåt oss våra skulder (Sweden)
  • Xóa Nợ (Viet Nam)

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2018-09-30 01:51

[Image: rimettianoiinostridebiti201800643.jpg]


2018-09-30 23:00

Lights for rjluna2:
[Image: rimettianoiinostridebiti201801096.jpg] [Image: rimettianoiinostridebiti201809326.jpg]

ElSaxo IT

2018-10-01 00:37

The title have been translated a bit too much literally, I guess?


2018-10-01 00:40

ElSaxo wrote The title have been translated a bit too much literally, I guess?

Seems that it was always translated identical as the prayer, but for example in German it's well adaptable to the movie plot

ElSaxo IT

2018-10-01 00:54

AleX_DJ wrote

Seems that it was always translated identical as the prayer, but for example in German it's well adaptable to the movie plot

I see, I guess that's a balance between literal translation and movie plot meaning.

rjluna2 US

2018-10-01 14:10

AleX_DJ wrote Lights for rjluna2:

Scheduled to post a comment on 2019-8-16.

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