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Le souffle au coeur, Movie, 1971 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Um Sopro no Coração (Brazil)
  • Herzflimmern (Germany)
  • El soplo al corazón (Spain)
  • Isku sydämeen (Finland)
  • To fysima tis kardias (Greece)
  • Szívzörej (Hungary)
  • Il soffio al cuore (Italy)
  • Szmery w sercu (Poland)
  • Sopro no Coração (Portugal)
  • Den första kärleken (Sweden)
  • Dearest Love (United Kingdom)
  • Murmur of the Heart (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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sixcyl FR

2010-09-09 19:47

[Image: 263008-LE_SOUFLE_AU_COEUR.jpg]

As often in these kind of film whith a story in the past, there are too many gross anachronism, too many same backgroud car passing and re-passing in the landscape figuring the traffic ... :/
Though, this is a good film, treating lightly some taboos subjects like incest between a mother and her son. Set in the provincial "bourgeoisie" of the 50's, some characters are actually quite unpleasant ...

-- Last edit: 2014-01-10 11:25:55 (antp)

Ingo DE

2010-09-09 20:02

sixcyl wrote

As often in these kind of film whith a story in the past, there are too many gross anachronism, too many same backgroud car passing and re-passing in the landscape figuring the traffic ... :/

There are more movies, set in the past, where the most cars aren't too anachronistic, but especially in that movies, which were filmed in the 60ies and 70ies, are worst anachronism's with haircuts, make-up and clothes. Here, too. Later on, the movie-makers took more care about that.

And the bookshelf in the background on the third thumbnail is not from the 50ies either. I just cannot remember its name (it belongs to some of the most popular design-goods, as the Coca-Cola-bottle, the Braun kitchen-processor, the Zippo-lighter, etc.), but it was released in the early 60ies.

-- Last edit: 2010-09-09 20:03:50

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