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Q & Q, TV Series, 1974-1978 IMDB

Pictures provided by: moviecarsfan, garco

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garco NL

2010-09-10 19:58

thanks for the pictures. :king:
But they are a little defored.
Please type a barely readable licenseplate in the comments (after it's validated)... ;)
You can upload a new picture for the MG.

Ingo DE

2010-09-10 22:57

Oh, I remember this series darkly from my childhood. Doesn't the bad guy, who died at last, drove a red Mercedes W 115?

moviecarsfan NL

2010-09-16 19:33

I get the pictures of a Q & Q site but I need are the two series at home but I do not know how to make stills

garco NL

2011-06-13 21:10

Some pictures for our scrapyard-junkies :)

[Image: 309316-image023.jpg] [Image: 309317-image035.jpg] [Image: 309318-image036.jpg] [Image: 309319-image037.jpg] [Image: 309320-image028.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2011-06-13 21:10:48

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