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The Super Cops, Movie, 1974 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Ddey65, herbie1968

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Also known as:

  • Die Supercops - Zwei irre Hunde (Germany)
  • Los super polis (Spain)
  • Superjeparit (Finland)
  • Les superflics (France)
  • 2 supercolt a Brooklyn (Italy)

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Comments about this movie

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Ddey65 US

2012-12-06 00:53

I ordered my copy of this movie from All other vehicles are coming in mid-to-late December 2012.

Ddey65 US

2012-12-11 21:02

My old P.C. has some life in it left, so I was able to at least capture the images. I can try for more later on in the month.

Has anyone else here ever seen this movie?

[Image: thesupercopstherealgreenberghantz.jpg]
That's news footage of the real David Greenberg and Robert Hantz.

-- Last edit: 2012-12-12 05:45:23

Ddey65 US

2019-12-18 23:33

Here's an unidentified crane.
[Image: thesupercopsunidentifiedcranefromscalaconstruction.jpg]
It's wrecking a building that Greenburg & Hantz are in when they're chasing two suspects. Probably 2 or 3 stars if it is ever identified.

-- Last edit: 2019-12-18 23:34:09

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