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The Cardigans: My Favourite Game, Music Video, 1998 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp, opal, mike962

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Red Grant US

2007-12-13 00:41

Wasn't this the song from the intro of Gran Turismo 2?

Road Wars Fanatic IE

2009-09-20 00:43

The 4 possible Endings to this video
1.Persson's body goes flying into the air and over the van roof where she is then depicted as being dead on the road.
2.she also flies over the van roof, except she tries to pick herself off the ground but is knocked out by the rock that was used to keep the car pedal down.
3.Persson is depicted being decapitated by the top of her car windscreen and a mannequin head, is seen in the next shot, rolling along the road.
4.she also flies over the van roof except she manages to pick herself up from the ground and walks away from the accident.
this made the video Controversial due to this violence and the video was censored because of this
Sorry for being so Graphic

-- Last edit: 2023-12-05 08:50:24 (antp)

opal TH

2012-01-15 05:42

change better picture with HD

-- Last edit: 2012-01-15 11:34:12

opal TH

2012-01-15 11:39

[Image: unkg.3600.jpg]
[*]Background vehicle

1998 Dodge Durango
[Image: dodgerz.264.jpg]
[*]Background vehicle

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2023-03-28 03:20

I don't normally do this for music videos, but if any of 'em deserves this, it certainly is this one.


Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme rollover.

Kawasaki motorcycle wipeout.

Pontiac Grand Prix rollover thru Dodge RV.

Dodge Aries loses a door.

Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme rollover (again).

Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado and Ford Econoline crash head-on.

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