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Афоня (Afonya), SU Movie, 1975 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Also known as:

  • Afonia (Poland)

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Comments about this movie

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Weasel1984 PL

2008-11-04 16:06

[Image: 34936963wr4.2360.jpg]

Bus or trolleybus ** :
[Image: 0bustrollol4.8591.jpg]
Modified PAZ 652 or something newer * :
[Image: paz652672hg3.6264.jpg]

[Image: 0sampm2.1120.jpg] [Image: 0sam1jq9.3350.jpg] "It is dangerous!"

chris40 UK

2008-11-04 16:59

The plane is an Antonov An-2 of Aeroflot. According to Wikipedia from the Guinness Book of Records) the An-2 had the longest production run of any aircraft at 45 years.

Weasel1984 PL

2008-11-04 17:09

For 45 years to 1992! So it can be even a brand new one. :wow:

-- Last edit: 2014-03-25 17:35:24

sixcyl FR

2011-06-30 23:12

Aircrafts seen in this film:

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