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Ripping Yarns, TV Series, 1976-1979 IMDB

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dsl SX

2014-04-18 03:34

[Image: title.41.jpg]
Gently amusing Michael Palin spoof series, but not as funny as it tries to be, although some genuine LOL moments. 6 episodes in S1 (broadcast 1976-77) and 3 in S2 (Oct 79). imcb does not mention several Yorkshire/Lancashire locations and maybe Lake District or N Wales in ep 1.04. I can't place them exactly, but ep2.02 is in and around Saltaire/Bingley in W Yorks. Not very car heavy and some eps have nothing at all. But those that do seem to have been very carefully chosen to match story dates (variously 1913-35).

Several background cars in ep2.02 - can get pages if identifiable:

1] blue sporty at 01-36
[Image: 01-36a.jpg] [Image: 01-36.jpg]

2] brown saloon at 24-56
[Image: 24-56backgrounda.jpg] [Image: 24-56backgroundb.jpg]

[Image: 24-56backgroundc.jpg]

3] red cyclecar at 25-01
[Image: 25-01bground.jpg]

4] bus at 26-30
[Image: 25-57rileye.jpg]
- nothing else visible

nzcarnerd NZ

2014-04-18 04:10

I think the brown saloon is a late 1920s Austin 12/4 fabric saloon. The 'red cyclecar' is a late 1920s Austin 7. I think 1927 was the last year the head lights were mounted up by the windscreen. The body maker of the bus could possibly be indentified but there are no clues to the chassis maker.

-- Last edit: 2014-04-30 01:28:49

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