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The Bees, Movie, 1978 IMDB

Pictures provided by: GodzillaFan54

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Also known as:

  • Operation Todesstachel (Germany)

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Comments about this movie

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GodzillaFan54 CA

2020-01-11 16:56

Another killer bee B-movie from 1978. Warner Bros paid New World Pictures a hefty amount of money to delay The Bees' theatrical release until The Swarm had finished it's box office run. Funnily enough, Warner Bros ended up distributing their lower-budgeted would-be competitor on home video. This movie is waaaaaay better than The Swarm.

I was busy as a bee getting screencaps and cropping out the black borders.

Gamer DE

2020-01-11 17:04

You're a real honey for adding this film!

Baube QC

2020-01-11 17:06


Animatronixx DE

2020-01-11 19:31

Wasted opportunity! Letting the Bee Gees contribute the soundtrack would have been the bee's knees, but it's music by Richard Gillis instead.

Corkeyandpals US

2023-04-24 09:11

Aircraft at:

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