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Die allseitig reduzierte Persönlichkeit - Redupers, Movie, 1978 IMDB

Pictures provided by: andrepa

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andrepa DE

2013-04-23 15:51

filmed out of a T2, making Coupé = cutoff in the words real meaning.
deleted 90% of these Ford Granada 17M P4 P5 p6 P7 / VW Mercedes /8 / Renault R4 en mass
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h22m57s24.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h43m05s61.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h42m05s239.jpg] [Image: zdf2013-04-2302-23-31.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-04-24 14:19:56

andrepa DE

2013-04-23 23:30

thank you, dear admin, now we can enjoy this semi documentary movie Berlin in March 1977 :)
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h19m02s225.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h19m24s180.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h19m41s113.jpg] [Image: zdf2013-04-2303-12-23.jpg] 04:00 crescent-shaped zentralflughafen Tempelhof 07:00 AVUS

-- Last edit: 2013-04-23 23:42:00

andrepa DE

2013-04-23 23:51

[Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h33m26s154.jpg] [Image: zdf2013-04-2302-57-13.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h48m59s28.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h46m57s87.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h55m51s42.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h42m28s209.jpg] [Image: zdf2013-04-2302-47-37.jpg] [Image: zdf2013-04-2302-25-04.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h55m24s16.jpg] [Image: zdf2013-04-2302-05-12.jpg] [Image: zdf2013-04-2302-20-38.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h54m31s8.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-04-24 03:31:55

Ingo DE

2013-04-24 12:44

andrepa wrote filmed out of a T2, making Coupé = cutoff in the words real meaning.
deleted 90% of these Ford Granada 17M P4 P5 p6 P7 / VW Mercedes /8 / Renault R4 en mass
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h22m57s24.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h43m05s61.jpg]

Err, on the 1st pic is a "Samba", so something rare, also back in 1978. On the 2nd a Peugeot 504 Break, not a Granada :p

Ingo DE

2013-04-24 12:44

andrepa wrote [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h33m26s154.jpg]

Opel Diplomat B in the background

Ingo DE

2013-04-24 12:48

andrepa wrote [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h19m41s113.jpg]

A tiny and totally irrelevant combo of muzzy morons Link to ""

andrepa DE

2013-04-24 14:18

ingo wrote

Err, on the 1st pic is a "Samba", so something rare, also back in 1978. On the 2nd a Peugeot 504 Break, not a Granada :p

[Image: zdf2013-04-2301-42-48.jpg][Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h22m57s24.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h39m50s141.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2013-04-23-14h42m00s183.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-04-24 21:53:15

andrepa DE

2013-04-24 14:21

[Image: zdf2013-04-2301-47-25.jpg]

Ingo DE

2013-04-24 17:31

andrepa wrote [Image: zdf2013-04-2301-47-25.jpg]

Also worth to mention, this special SOS-phone. Generally based on this one, but for people, are in danger to drown in canals in Berlin in the direct neighbourhood of The Wall. For DDR-refugees, but mainly for Western children, who fell into the water. The problem was, that at some locations the riverside belonged to the West, but the canal to the East. Or the borderline was somehwere in the middle of the water. They were erected in the 70ies, after a little Turkish boy drowned, because on the Western side the policemen and the other witnesses were afraid to jump into the "DDR-water" and the DDR-border patrol came too late.
The special clou of these SOS-phones was, that there was a double wiring inside, one to the West-Berlin-fire fighters, one to the East German border troops.

Ingo DE

2013-04-24 17:32

@andrepa: shouldn't the Samba be listed?

antp BE

2013-04-24 17:38

not for what is visible

andrepa DE

2013-04-24 21:34

it is a women´s film, so she doesn´t care for it, only longing for 32DM, to get for photo of last steam train coming to Berlin
[Image: zdf2013-04-2301-47-31.jpg]but due to 1977 steam train prohibition, only "Ludmilla" diesel came, ... serves her right
there have been DDR steam trains until 1981/82 :p BTW it is Neuer Deutscher Film like it/that /movie_60063-Abschied-von-gestern-(Anita-G).html with self ironic look on her own work.

-- Last edit: 2013-04-25 01:40:25

andrepa DE

2013-04-25 01:33

ingo wrote
A tiny and totally irrelevant combo of muzzy morons Link to ""

in fact the author says, writing on the wall is commen in East- officially and privately in West- Berlin

Ingo DE

2013-04-25 09:30

Oh yes, AFAIK before THe Wall was totally demolished, someone took pics and made a collections of the funniest graffito on the Western side.

Ingo DE

2013-04-25 09:35

andrepa wrote "Ludmilla" diesel came, ...

Never heard that nickname. I remember "Taigatrommel" ("taiga drum")

cl82 DE

2013-04-25 09:55

I really don't want to appear like a know-it-all, but "Taigatrommel" and "Ludmilla" are actually not the same thing. This is the "Taigatrommel" while this is the newer "Ludmilla":

Nightrider RU

2013-04-25 13:35

Not very newer,M62 came in 1965, and TE109 in 1968.

andrepa DE

2013-04-25 14:50

actually 3 f them passed , while trainspotter said: electric locomotive, so goof.

-- Last edit: 2013-04-25 14:53:55

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