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Il commissario di ferro, Movie, 1978 IMDB

Pictures provided by: walter

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walter IT

2011-05-15 21:32

[Image: 304451-PDVD_000.jpg]

[Image: 304452-PDVD_025.jpg]

dsl SX

2011-05-15 21:35

Where's the compulsory Mini Clubman Estate?

walter IT

2011-05-15 21:37

No Clubman this time :D

Ingo DE

2011-05-15 22:01


dsl SX

2011-05-16 02:26

This must have been the case which was rumoured to have defied the orders of the government "Agency For Enforcing The Placement Of Clubman Estates Into Films" - it had a long Italian name which I can't find now. The case was in all the papers - I think it went all the way to the European Court Of Clubman Rights in Strasbourg and heavy fines were imposed, so that no-one else dared try the same trick for several years. As there were really only 3 Clubman Estates in the whole of Italy, their value shot up - one film-maker had to swap a genuine Daytona spider, a 250GTO and a Grifo targa to get hold of one. Something like that anyway.....

-- Last edit: 2011-05-16 12:12:26

chris40 UK

2011-05-16 08:55

... and if you'll believe that you'll believe anything :lol:

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