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Rosamunde Pilcher - Zauber der Liebe, DE Movie made for TV, 2005 IMDB

Pictures provided by: AleX_DJ

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Also known as:

  • Summer Solstice
  • Solstizio d'estate (Italy)

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2022-02-28 18:31

[Image: rosamunde-pilcher-summer-solstice.jpg]

Movie origin: UK [Image: UK.png]

Baube QC

2022-03-01 09:04

here... there
are they gonna be followed by Spring & Fall equinoxes too ? .. :D


2022-03-01 13:01

For IMPDb:
[Image: summersolstice200500242.jpg] [Image: summersolstice200500254.jpg] [Image: summersolstice200500411.jpg]

dsl SX

2022-03-01 16:48

Any clues on locations?? I'm wondering about east Scotland - Edinburgh and nearby?? The white village at first glance could be Inveraray (Argyll, west Scotland) but I'm not sure it matches exactly.


2022-03-02 10:44

Baube wrote here... there
are they gonna be followed by Spring & Fall equinoxes too ? .. :D

I was sure the movies were four indeed, then I recalled that it was another Rosamunde Pilcher spin-off with four 'seasonal' movies, Four Seasons (2008), which I already posted


2022-03-02 10:52

dsl wrote Any clues on locations?? I'm wondering about east Scotland - Edinburgh and nearby?? The white village at first glance could be Inveraray (Argyll, west Scotland) but I'm not sure it matches exactly.

Yes, it's north-eastern Scotland indeed. Main setting was made in Dornoch, the castle where the characters live is Dunrobin Castle in Golspie. wrote
Drehorte: Dornoch; Rhives Castle ist im wirklichen Leben das überaus noble und bis heute bewohnte Herrschaftsanwesen der alteingesessenen Herzöge von Sutherland an der Nordostküste Schottlands und heißt Dunrobin Castle. Ein neogotisches Märchenschloss mit 189 Zimmern. Der Kern des Gebäudes geht auf einen Wohnturm des 13. Jahrhunderts zurück, dessen Überreste noch heute im Innenhof des Schlosses sichtbar sind.

Filming locations: Dornoch; Rhives Castle is in real life the noble and nowadays still long time inhabitated poperty of the Dukes of Sutherland on the north-eastern coast of Scotland and it's called Dunrobin Caslte. A fabulous neo-gothic castle with 189 rooms. The core of the building is a habitable tower from the 13th century, whose remains are still visible in the castle's inner courtyard

-- Last edit: 2022-03-02 10:58:01


2022-03-02 10:54

Sequel of Winter Solstice (2003)

dsl SX

2022-03-02 21:13

AleX_DJ wrote Yes, it's north-eastern Scotland indeed. Main setting was made in Dornoch, the castle where the characters live is in Golspie.

:think: I'm surprised at that info, at least based on the captured locations. Dornoch is red sandstone town without white harled buildings or the geometric plan - as mentioned earlier there's a lot of similarity in some backgrounds to Inverary, but some details don't fit. Kenmore on Loch Tay in Perthshire has same white housing in a planned village outside a big castle, but the main street is too short against some of the pictures. It's not Golspie (for Dunrobin castle) either.

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