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Alien 2 - Sulla Terra, Movie, 1980 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold, Jale

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Also known as:

  • Alien Terror
  • Alien, die Saat des Grauens kehrt zurück (Germany)
  • Le monstre attaque (France)
  • Alien Volta a Atacar (Portugal)
  • Alien 2: On Earth (USA)
  • Strangers (USA)

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Jale PL

2011-12-22 23:31

[Image: 4014f.796.jpg]

For IMPDb:

[Image: 4001p.9381.jpg]

Main pictures replaced for DVD quality + few added.

Nightrider RU

2011-12-23 11:29

Was there any Alien 1 movie?

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-12-23 11:31

Maybe it was pretending to be a sequel to Alien (the one with Sigourney Weaver).

Jale PL

2011-12-23 11:33

"Alien 2: On Earth (Alien 2 sulla Terra), also known as Alien Terror and Strangers, is a 1980 Italian sequel to the 1979 American film Alien, written and directed by Ciro Ippolito before the mark Alien was registered. The plot has no connection to the original film." ( )

Nightrider RU

2011-12-23 11:57

^^ I was thinking the same. Or, more correctly, that they thought, that audience would think, that it was a sequel.

sixcyl FR

2012-05-08 13:12

Aircraft at:

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