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The Golden Lady, Movie, 1979 IMDB

Pictures provided by: s13a

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Also known as:

  • Los ángeles de fuego (Spain)
  • Eliminaattorit (Finland)
  • Epiheirisi: 'Hrysoi angeloi' (Greece)
  • A Dama de Ferro (Portugal)

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Comments about this movie

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s13a LT

2020-09-03 18:58

[Image: filmtitle.206.jpg]

Country of origin: UK
Genre: Action, Thriller

Director: José Ramón Larraz
Stars: Ina Skriver, Suzanne Danielle, June Chadwick and others.

*Very poor quality, so I'm avoiding most of the background vehicles.

s13a LT

2020-09-03 18:58

For IMPDb:
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[Image: planevi1.3.jpg]
[Image: planevii1.3.jpg]
[Image: concoi1.jpg]

Corkeyandpals US

2023-02-23 21:17

Aircraft at:

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