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Gå på vattnet om du kan, Movie, 1979 IMDB

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Also known as:

  • Walk on Water If You Can

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atom SE

2010-10-04 23:42

[Image: title1e.8005.jpg] [Image: flygplan1.6981.jpg]
Filmed in Sweden and Spain.

Anni-Frid from ABBA:
[Image: abba1.28.jpg]

14stutz US

2010-10-05 01:07

Airliners is a DC-9/MD-80.

Corkeyandpals US

2014-03-16 06:15

Aircraft at:

sixcyl FR

2014-03-16 10:37

14stutz wrote Airliners is a DC-9/MD-80.

A DC-9-32 of Aviaco. By the way, in 1979 it can't be yet a MD-80. This version made is maiden flight in october 1979, and first entered service with Swissair in 1980.

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