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L'effet d'un rayon de soleil sur Paris par un beau dimanche..., Movie, 1929 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl, DidierF

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sixcyl FR

2010-05-03 14:02

[Image: 239751-L_EFFET_1.jpg] [Image: 239752-L_EFFET_2.jpg] [Image: 239753-L_EFFET_3.jpg]

Partial views of this 1st film of Jean Gourguet (as co-director). Bonus on DVD "Les premiers outrages"

Some pictures unfortunately hidden by texts
2 big Renault, it seems, and an interesting "cycle-car"
[Image: 239755-REN_BA.jpg] [Image: 239756-REN_CA.jpg] [Image: 239757-CYCLE_AA.jpg]

another good reasaon for getting the whole film one time ;)
[Image: 239760-COM_CA.jpg]

DidierF FR

2015-02-18 11:45

Interesting funny feature film played by Mona Goya and Georges Péclet who is said to be co-director here, with colleague Jean Gourguet whose only other movie I kne was the disappointing Malaria.

I'm gonna try to time-tag sixcyl's pics, and probably add other cptures —for the movie has also rather great a documentary value, shot as it is mainly outdoor, in the Parisian spring of 1929.

(The year the movie was made isn't that clear: given 1929 on IMDb, and 1928 elsewhere. Released on April 29, for sure, but was it filmed in the summer 28 or spring 29? I can' say.)

-- Last edit: 2015-02-18 14:42:09

DidierF FR

2015-02-18 16:06

There is a tremendous bunch of cars, motorcycles, busses and lorries here, many of them being quite extractible for us, some others, [*], having to be left-over:

those two lorries,
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-11h58m33s178.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-11h59m25s250.jpg]

this gracile camionnette,
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-12h20m59s110.jpg]

another landaulet,
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-12h21m55s143.jpg]

and cars, cars, cars…
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-12h47m32s93.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-12h50m58s186.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-12h51m23s184.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-11h54m01s144.jpg]

But if one of you can identify one of them, please let us know.

Besides, there is also a nice tramway (street-car?):
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-13h07m49s178sh.jpg]

… Mona Goya is charming and talkative, even in this silent movie,
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-13h19m47s149.jpg]

and the texts written by one André Rigaud are funny:
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-12h03m16s53.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-12h52m57s109.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-12h56m38s255.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-02-18-13h16m55s116.jpg]

That's all, folks!
But, for the litle crowd of newly added cars, gentlemen… at your library!

veturiloj FR

2015-02-18 17:50

Une Panhard ? une petite Peugeot et une Delaunay-Belleville.

DidierF FR

2015-02-18 18:13

veturiloj wrote Une Panhard ? une petite Peugeot et une Delaunay-Belleville.
Ouh-là ! Je crois que je vais ouvrir trois nouvelles pages, alors.

veturiloj FR

2015-02-19 15:13

Plutôt une Ballot qu'une Panhard ? Ce film existe-il en DVD ?

-- Last edit: 2015-02-19 15:15:21

DidierF FR

2015-02-20 04:29

veturiloj wrote Plutôt une Ballot qu'une Panhard ? Ce film existe-il en DVD ?
Je ne sais pas, veturiloj. Ce n'est pas en dvd que je l'ai eu (et que je l'ai).

sixcyl FR

2015-02-20 23:13

veturiloj wrote Plutôt une Ballot qu'une Panhard ? Ce film existe-il en DVD ?

Oui, voir commentaire en début de page ;)

DidierF FR

2015-02-20 23:32

En début de page, tu disais
Quote Partial views of this 1st film of Jean Gourguet (as co-director). Bonus on DVD "Les premiers outrages"
… Ce qui fait que je ne pensais pas que tu l'avais en entier.

Note, chuis con, il faut bien qu'il ait été numérisé quelque part pour que j'en dispose.

-- Last edit: 2015-02-20 23:34:42

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