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Gridlock, US Movie made for TV, 1980 IMDB

Pictures provided by: skywatcher68

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Also known as:

  • The Great American Traffic Jam
  • O Maior Engarrafamento do Mundo (Brazil)
  • L'embouteillage du siècle (Canada)
  • Highway Chaos (Germany)
  • De skøre er ude at køre (Denmark)
  • Motorvejskaos (Denmark)
  • El mayor atasco de la historia de América (Spain)
  • Moottoritiekaaos (Finland)
  • Le grand carambolage (France)
  • Accidenti che caos (Italy)
  • Motorveikaos (Norway)
  • Motorvägskaos (Sweden)

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Comments about this movie

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skywatcher68 US

2011-01-22 13:25

[Image: titledm.5839.jpg]
Reissue title.

-- Last edit: 2011-01-22 13:26:46

skywatcher68 US

2011-01-22 13:41

Some miscellaneous vehicles:
[Image: unknownbackgroundcroppe.8703.jpg][Image: strangehood.8352.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2011-01-22 13:43:32

skywatcher68 US

2011-01-22 13:47

Seems like this guy has the right idea.
[Image: hitchhiker.6351.jpg]

skywatcher68 US

2011-01-22 14:18

Truckers bet on which one will get to downtown LA first.
[Image: 2truckscloseup.222.jpg]

One is carrying vodka; the other, oranges.

[Image: 28865514.4489.jpg]
"This is the best darn accident I've ever been to."

skywatcher68 US

2011-01-22 14:20

Virtually all stunt cars turn up in multiple scenes.

Now you see 'em:
[Image: 72galaxie500again.2565.jpg]

Now you don't:
[Image: 44851292.6303.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2011-01-22 14:21:47

skywatcher68 US

2011-01-22 14:33

Mad golfer takes revenge on nearby traffic after a truck's air horn causes him to miss an important putt:
[Image: madgolfer0.8138.jpg][Image: madgolfer1.816.jpg][Image: madgolfer2.7739.jpg][Image: madgolfer3.2448.jpg][Image: madgolfer4.383.jpg]

Aziz FR

2011-01-27 16:31

Dites-moi si je me trompes, mais ça serait pô ce machin-là qu'on aurait appellé, en France, "Le grand embouteillage" ou "Le grand carambolage" ou "le grand "quelque chose ?

police car fan NL

2013-03-05 00:16

Looks like the freeway that they used is the same that they used in CHips! :D

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