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The Flipside of Dominick Hide, Movie made for TV, 1980 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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Also known as:

  • Play for Today - The Flipside of Dominick Hide

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dsl SX

2016-06-26 19:45

[Image: title.249.jpg]
Unusual sci-fi rom-com originally broadcast as a BBC Play For Today but has lost that attachment in subsequent VHS and DVD releases which put it together with its sequel Another Flip for Dominick as a twinpack. A time traveller returns to London in his flying saucer from 150 years in the future and has some jolly adventures. Gently funny and a good storyline which camouflages some logic gaps - enjoyable fluff but surprisingly memorable.

- a Granada estate which I thought was a Cortina estate
[Image: cortest01-15-2014-43.jpg] [Image: cortest01-15-2014-43b.jpg]

[Image: cortest01-15-2014-43c.jpg]

... and therefore likely to be this one
[Image: cortest01-15-20.jpg]
... and therefore a probable crewcar. But CLD 235T = 1979 FORD GRANADA 2.8 GL AUTO

- Merc coupe
[Image: 01-15-36mercb.jpg] [Image: 01-15-36merc.jpg]

truck with 2* role but no better view
[Image: 59-41truck.jpg]

- something white which puzzled me - best guess is Victor FD
[Image: 16-48whitea.jpg] [Image: 16-48white.jpg]

- Renault 30 which I had to watch 3 times before I could ID it
[Image: 20-38ren30.jpg] [Image: 20-38ren30b.jpg]

- distant ADO16, possibly VdP 1300
[Image: vdp1300.jpg]

- a bridge
[Image: bridge.2.jpg]

Lots of other glimpsed stuff - more Cortinas, Transits, Heralds, a Capri etc, but nothing deserving a capture.

For impdb, dateable to 2130
[Image: plane.27.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2016-07-28 00:29:28

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