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Amityville II: The Possession, Movie, 1982 IMDB

Pictures provided by: DAF555, stronghold, Terra

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Also known as:

  • Amityville 2
  • Amityville II, le possédé (France)

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nubby US

2008-03-29 19:55

I think this movie wasn't scary. It was just...weird. Especially when the brother has sex with his own sister, It's just not right, even if he is possessed! I'm trying to forget the thought! *bangs head on desk*

-- Last edit: 2008-04-06 06:35:16

stronghold EN

2008-10-26 01:13

part seen (buick?)
[Image: amityvilleiithepossessiel9.9870.jpg]

Terra US

2015-01-25 01:52

[Image: 33.3.jpg]

--- HD upgraded...terrible movie!

Filmed in New Jersey and Mexico??

-- Last edit: 2015-01-25 01:53:58

Gag Halfrunt UK

2015-01-25 11:54

Looking at that entry, I'd imagine that studio interiors were filmed in Mexico to save money but all exteriors were real New Jersey locations.

-- Last edit: 2015-01-25 11:54:27

GodzillaFan54 CA

2019-09-01 17:22

This movie is a step down compared to the first one. In fact with the incest subplot, Burt Young being an extremely abusive and unlikable father and the infamous massacre scene, this movie feels more like a 1970s grindhouse exploitation movie.

Some people prefer this over the first one and I'm sort of one of them.

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