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Jamais avant le mariage, Movie, 1982 IMDB

Pictures provided by: s13a

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Also known as:

  • Még a házasság előtt (Hungary)
  • Byle przed ślubem (Poland)

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s13a LT

2022-01-23 14:19

[Image: movietitle.145.jpg] [Image: direc.2.jpg] [Image: cast1.146.jpg]

Set in France and The Republic of Ireland.

About the actual filming locations, I'm not so sure. The Bantry Airport (seen here) doesn't seem to exist as such, only the Bantry Aerodrome, which doesn't resemble anything similar and the Daimler at the same car park had those yellow French headlights. So, "Ireland" scenes might have been filmed in France.

s13a LT

2022-01-23 14:19

Farming tractors with not much visibility for proper id :

[Image: tractorsi001007.jpg] [Image: tractorsi001044.jpg]

Race cars from the distance :

[Image: racecar1.jpg]

s13a LT

2022-01-23 14:19

Aircraft for IMPDb :

[Image: impdbi1.46.jpg] [Image: impdbi3.10.jpg] [Image: impdbi4.6.jpg] [Image: impdbi5.3.jpg]
[Image: impdbii1.27.jpg] [Image: impdbii2.15.jpg]

993cc VA

2022-01-23 14:44

The track must be Montlhery, just south of Paris.

sixcyl FR

2023-09-12 16:50

Aircraft at by courtesy of s13a who provided these pictures.

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