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Making Love, Movie, 1982 IMDB

Pictures provided by: iracema1

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Comments about this movie

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night cub US

2022-11-21 06:27

Is this finished?

iracema1 US

2022-11-21 07:55

This is the first posting I have done so still feeling my way. I have multiple screen shots of the cars, but I guess it only allows one per car…

night cub US

2022-11-21 08:44

Unfortunately, it's an old set-up, so extra thumbs can only be added after the mains are approved. We can approve what you have submitted or we can wait until you have finished adding things, just let us know when you are ready.

iracema1 US

2022-11-21 13:03

Ah! Now I understand and appreciate why you are asking, thanks. I have two more vehicles to add, which I will do this morning, then it will be finished, at least for all that I can identify. Thanks again!

johnfromstaffs EN

2022-11-21 13:13

Post any vehicles that present a decent image, whether you can identify them or not. Many people, me included, look forward to the challenge of trying to identify unknown images.

iracema1 US

2022-11-21 14:47

OK, ready to submit for approval. Once approved I can add additional photos of those cars in the comments, correct? Thanks

dhill_cb7 US

2022-11-21 15:48

Yes sir. You can always add many background cars and leave them as Unknown as mentioned before. That way if someone else recognizes them they can be updated. For instance I don't know anything about older cars so if I uploaded a movie from say 1955 I would have most/all cars unknown. The habit some users seem to fall into is trying to ID every car before it is approved and them there are mistakes that happen or worse yet they are not even viewed because the entry 'appears' completed. Best practice is to leave unknown if you aren't sure and users that may be able to ID them can chime in at that point :)

iracema1 US

2022-11-21 15:54

Thanks! I am pretty confident about the IDs of the car photos I uploaded, but I can see the issue if they are mistakenly identified and then nobody else would "see" them. I would be very open to corrections and updates, though, from people who are more knowledgeable about the cars or that film.

-- Last edit: 2022-11-21 16:52:24

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