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Hostage, Movie, 1983 IMDB

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Also known as:

  • Hostage: The Christine Maresch Story
  • A Refém (Brazil)
  • Hölle der Gewalt (Germany)
  • Rehenes (Spain)
  • Intohimon lunnaat (Finland)
  • Christines mareritt (Norway)
  • Savage Attraction (USA)

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s13a LT

2019-09-21 19:18

[Image: filmtitle.31.jpg]

Country: Australia
Year: 1983
Genre: Biography, Drama, Thriller

Director: Frank Shields
Starring: Kerry Mack, Ralph Schicha, Gabriella Barraket and others.

Set in the late 1970s in Australia, West Germany and Turkey.

According to IMDb, the movie was filmed in Australia and West Germany (although, it is uncredited, the shot with the Beetle going on a bridge with the car traffic in the background was actually filmed in Turkey, probably by the second film crew.)

It is claimed that the movie is based on the bizarre true story of Christine Maresch (née Lewis) who was abducted by a German immigrant (who turned out be a neo-nazi and a bank robber) in Australia and made her be his wife.

Distant/blurry vehicles:

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For IMPDb:
[Image: planei1stpic.jpg][Image: planei2stpic.jpg][Image: planei3stpic.jpg]

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