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Joysticks, Movie, 1983 IMDB

Pictures provided by: atom, mike962

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Also known as:

  • Joy Sticks
  • Video Madness
  • Die Vidioten (Germany)
  • Porci con le ragazze (Italy)

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Comments about this movie

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atom SE

2011-03-30 03:55

[Image: 295816-title1.jpg]

Some video games:
[Image: 295817-tvspel1.jpg] [Image: 295818-tvspel2.jpg] [Image: 295819-tvspel3.jpg] [Image: 295820-tvspel4.jpg] [Image: 295821-tvspel5.jpg] [Image: 295822-tvspel6.jpg] [Image: 295823-tvspel7.jpg] [Image: 295824-tvspel8.jpg] [Image: 295825-tvspel9.jpg] [Image: 295826-tvspel10.jpg] [Image: 295827-tvspel11.jpg] [Image: 295828-tvspel12.jpg] [Image: 295829-tvspel13.jpg] [Image: 295830-tvspel14.jpg] [Image: 295831-tvspel15.jpg] [Image: 295832-tvspel16.jpg] [Image: 295833-tvspel17.jpg]

Ddey65 US

2011-03-30 04:16

atom, did you rent this movie or buy it? Which ever you did, you must have a lot of guts to post images from this movie, because this has to be the worst movie of the 1980's. And it's not as if I haven't posted images from some stinkers myself.

atom SE

2011-03-30 04:22

I got hold of it somehow, yes. I would agree that this is a really bad movie but I didn't find it too bad. I'd guess that the camp factor and all the goofy 'jokes' made it watchable :D

rjluna2 US

2011-03-30 04:30

I see Pac-Man, Centipede and Space Invaders.


2011-03-30 05:37

Nice thumbs ;)

antp BE

2020-01-14 09:39

atom wrote [Image: i387179.jpg] [Image: 295843-wheels2.jpg] [Image: 295844-wheels3.jpg]
With a NGK sticker on the back.

mike962 wrote [Image: untitled.5382.jpg]

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