Pictures provided by: Gomselmash11
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Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-06-06 01:43 |
Filmed in Argentina -- Last edit: 2010-06-06 01:43:29 |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 21:34 |
@ Ingo: ![]() ![]() |
◊ 2010-12-15 21:43 |
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Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 21:44 |
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◊ 2010-12-15 21:58 |
All "roadkills" or something like here:![]() |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 22:02 |
Nice. Here, many people collects old plates. But its difficult to found the 1970-1995 plates now. Pity ![]() |
◊ 2010-12-15 22:15 |
To find or legally to get? In Chile there are very strict rules, so collectors are only able to get the pre-1975 plates. All other have to be given back to the authority. So it's similar strict as in Denmark, Austria an Switzerland. At first I thought to get a plate from Rapa Nui, the Easter Island - but except the problem with the legal purchase of Chilean plates, there was annother big disappointment - Rapa Nui is administravely just a town-part of Valparaiso, so they don't have own plates. How boring ![]() Normally plates from small islands far away are high-priced collectibles. So authentic plates from Tristan da Cunha got incredible prices at eBay ![]() |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 22:23 |
Here, it is not illegal to get old plates. Yes, it is illegal to buy plates in place as at present. Although as anyone to know: whistle: When my father had to change in 1996 the plates, the old plates had to return to the National Register of patents, so it is. And so, in return, received the new plates by mail. -- Last edit: 2010-12-15 22:26:11 |
◊ 2010-12-15 22:39 |
Here neither ![]() |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 22:41 |
![]() -- Last edit: 2010-12-15 22:48:16 |
◊ 2010-12-15 22:44 |
Better, if you not quote all my comments. It's not welcomed here. ![]() "BN" in black stood for "Britisch Niedersachsen", from 1948 to 1956, so-called "Besatzungskennzeichen" - "occupation plates" Since the white plates came in 1956, "BN" is for the town of Bonn. |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 22:49 |
Interesting, ingo... Link to "" this its the plate, its similar... Its for a town of my province (Santa Fe). and other, rare Link to "" see the SS letters, ![]() -- Last edit: 2010-12-15 22:52:12 |
◊ 2010-12-15 22:59 |
Ah, the old SS-story ![]() |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 23:03 |
Right, its difficult. In mercadolibre, have a old plate of the german consulate in Mendoza, with the svastic (i think in the 30's). Link to "" And... for what country its this white plate? its rare for me: Link to "" |
◊ 2010-12-15 23:15 |
In Norway it's in fact used, see for example: /vehicle_297551-Volvo-144-1972.html /vehicle_255571-Peugeot-406-Break-2000.html Also allowed here: /vehicle_261482-Volvo-142-1973.html And recently there's been a debate about plates issued in Bergen. A year ago they were using "SU", but when they were starting the change to "SV", shit started to hit the fan. You see, SV is a political party in Norway (the Socialist Left Party) and a lot of people who were not supporting the party refused buying their car after learning what plate it would get. However, people supporting the party, were very happy when they got their cars with this prefix. So now, people are not sure whether to drop the "SV" and rather change right into "SX" (the letter W is never on our plates) or continue with the "SV". I wouldn't care if my plate had an "SV"-prefix as I'm not really into politics ![]() |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 23:19 |
@ Lateef: Very interesting info. Here, are the same problem with some alphanumeric plates. GAY XXX, HDP XXX, WTF XXX, PUT 000, and others, are very controversial and polemical plates ![]() |
◊ 2010-12-15 23:29 |
It's not Antigua, it's from Italy. Not really rare, but it's also not easy to get Italian plates legally. P.S. Do you just got my second email? |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-15 23:31 |
Yes, the one in your profile (the email). I sent you info on plates ... and other things. ![]() -- Last edit: 2010-12-15 23:32:38 |
◊ 2010-12-15 23:44 |
Here some authorities (especially in Easter Germany, where there are more problems with neo-nazis) are getting really weird. The want to forbid also combinations with "AH", "HH", "88" and also "OI" ![]() My brother-in-law, the cop-officer nearby Berlin confirmed, that at street-controls they are checking the drivers of cars with such suspect numbers more intensively. Quite strange, as the most people don't know the circumstances about these specific abrevations. But sometimes it's reality. So I'm quite sure, that RE-OI 88 (on an older Toyota Celica) was taken by a Nazi-boy. He looked so and the music -his stereo was very loud- came from that direction, too. I haven't seen the car since over 1 1/2 years. If my nazi-suspicion would be confirmed, I would try to destroy it a bit (razor-blades hidden in the tire-profile or so ![]() Annother rumour is, that "666" is popular for satanists. But until now I haven't seen freaks looking like that in cars with "666" on the plates. |
◊ 2010-12-16 00:01 |
P.S. Years ago I've wrecked a 1969 NSU 1200 C for spare parts. It's original plate was DO-KP ... - very obviously a personalized wish from a proud communist (the West German Communist Party DKP -in fact a DDR-SED-party-satellite- was founded in 1968, after the KPD ws forbidden in the 50ies). Why obviously? - I've found under the carpets old DKP-newspapers, which the previous owner has put there against the humidity ![]() In Germany G-AY is possible, also S-EX or SE-X. It's not issued regulary, but if you want it, you can get it (if you are living in the specific towns). Maybe the holders of SL-UT and SL-UM (I've seen these plates) don't have exact English-knowledges. Or they don't care about it. As I'm from Western Germany, it's no big thing, that I have my initials "IM" on my cars plates. This abbreviation has a specific meaning in East Germany. It's known for "Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter". So the snitchers for the DDR-secret service were named by the Stasi itself. "IM" is indeed quite uncommon in the East. The few "IM"-combintions, seen there by plate-spotters, were all used by young drivers, but never by the generation 40+ |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-16 00:01 |
@ ingo: incredible ![]() For the rumour of the 666, yes, i heard the same. Its good to know for the combination of plates. This is a Peugeot 206 CUL 000 (looks reads "ass" -in spanish- ![]() ![]() -- Last edit: 2010-12-16 00:03:55 |
◊ 2010-12-16 00:10 |
No idea, why the transport-company "Ottenburger Transporte" from Köln (Cologne) must have their inititals, so K-OT, on the plates. "Kot" is the German word for "excrement". K-TO would be a bit smarter... |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-12-16 00:14 |
Yes, sure. Others controversials... GIL XXX (Gil = jackass) FEO XXX (Feo = ugly) CHA XXX (Cha its the initials of the Conf. Homosexual Argentina) SEX XXX (no comments ![]() GAY XXX ETC XXX (Etcetera) UCR XXX (UCR its a party of Argentina) And other more... ![]() |
◊ 2010-12-16 01:02 |
*ahem* there is a Forum for such off-topic discussions, you know... ![]() |
◊ 2010-12-16 14:01 |
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