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The Great Gold Swindle, Movie made for TV, 1984 IMDB

Pictures provided by: GodzillaFan54

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Also known as:

  • A Grande Fraude (Brazil)
  • La gran estafa del oro (Spain)
  • Les mercenaires de l'or (France)
  • A nagy aranycsalás (Hungary)

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GodzillaFan54 CA

2023-11-02 21:12

[Image: 2023-11-0212.jpg][Image: 2023-11-0260.jpg][Image: 2023-11-0261.jpg]
An earlier 1984 Australian telemovie based on the Great Mint Swindle, which I mentioned in my description of the 2012 movie. This version puts far more focus on the actual planning and carrying out of the heist and depicts the Mickleberg brothers as the actual perpetrators, since at the time this movie was made, the Micklebergs were thought to be the actual masterminds behind the heist and this was an extraordinarily high amount of money stolen from an extremely secure location so it was a big deal at the time.

Porsche poster seen on a wall in a few scenes. Jerry Seinfeld would approve!
[Image: 2023-11-0226.jpg]

Aircraft seen on a television.
[Image: 2023-11-0214.jpg][Image: 2023-11-0215.jpg][Image: 2023-11-0216.jpg][Image: 2023-11-0217.jpg]

Airdate: 1984 (month and day unknown)

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