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Streets of Fire, Movie, 1984 IMDB

Pictures provided by: ahight, francisharley

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Also known as:

  • Les rues de feu (France)

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Comments about this movie

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ahight US

2007-01-26 20:49

Way to many bikes to list out separately..and many probably not identifiable, so here's just random shots of them during the movie:
[Image: backgroundbikespu6.2139.jpg] [Image: backgroundbikes2fm9.4661.jpg] [Image: backgroundbikes3nv2.5784.jpg] [Image: backgroundbikes4pk8.4650.jpg] [Image:] [Image: backgroundbikes6kz8.808.jpg] [Image: backgroundbikes7os9.5372.jpg] [Image: backgroundbikes9ag6.1368.jpg] [Image:]

I can't believe it's been almost 10 years since I've seen this movie.

-- Last edit: 2007-01-27 20:34:26

francisharley FR

2007-11-18 15:28

Une autre photo montrant un "paquet" de Harley

[Image: streetsoffire260bg0.413.jpg]

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