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Alias viento negro, Movie made for TV, 2002 IMDB

Pictures provided by: owlman

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owlman US

2010-02-24 05:52

[Image: cinedelatardeest2010022.1117.jpg]
Mexican film

I think they didn't have much of a special effects budget ;)
[Image: cinedelatardeest2010022.1117.jpg] [Image: cinedelatardeest2010022.1117.jpg] [Image: cinedelatardeest2010022.1117.jpg] [Image: cinedelatardeest2010022.1117.jpg] [Image: cinedelatardeest2010022.1117.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2010-02-24 17:19:54

owlman US

2010-02-24 15:20

I uploaded a video of one crash so you can see for yourself the great special effects quality :)

antp BE

2010-02-24 17:35

That's impressive :D


2010-02-24 19:39

So it's OK to use the word "negro" in Mexico? :think:

That Youtube clip is hilarious :D When that bit of bodywork lands next to the man it looks so much like it was just thrown by someone off-camera :lol: Was the bit where CGI truck rolls down the bank slowed down for the video or is that what it really is like?

-- Last edit: 2010-02-24 19:44:26

Gag Halfrunt UK

2010-02-24 19:43

It's simply the Spanish word for the colour black.


2010-02-24 19:51

Oh yes, silly me.

owlman US

2010-02-24 20:03

G-MANN wrote Was the bit where CGI truck rolls down the bank slowed down for the video or is that what it really is like?

I didn't slow it down, that's exactly how it was :lol:

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