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Hot Rod Horror, US Movie, 2008 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Charlie Norris, atom

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atom SE

2009-11-19 15:41

[Image: 205144-title1.jpg]

CougarTim US

2009-11-19 23:42

This looks like a very visually interesting film.

Jale PL

2009-11-19 23:45

Indeed. :)

But it has only 3/10 in IMDB.

rjluna2 US

2009-11-20 00:14

Junkyard voyeur [:bave] :love:

-- Last edit: 2009-11-20 13:32:26

atom SE

2009-11-20 00:22

Very low budget movie with very bad amature actors and no plot at all. I do not recommend, I repeat DO NOT recommend this movie to anyone.

Some nice cars though.

Max1349 CA

2009-11-20 01:00

this is a junkyard movie ?

Raul1983 FI

2009-11-20 16:14

What a place! Where in California is this located ?

atom SE

2009-11-20 16:26


Ingo DE

2009-11-20 18:34

Hmm, is any IMCDB-member living in that area, or is anyone planning to go on vacations there?
Then he can/should make the work to check the "unknown" cars and register other interestings ones, which aren't visible in the movie. :king:

rjluna2 US

2009-11-21 04:06

atom wrote Fresno:

I have googled a map page at Link to ""

Still [:bave] and :love:

atom SE

2009-11-21 04:18

Nice! I wouldn't mind spending a few hours there. Wait a minute! They got their own dirttrack, that must be the place of my dreams :D

CougarTim US

2009-11-21 05:07

rjluna2 wrote
I have googled a map page

If you go on Steetview on S Willow Ave, you can actually see some of the cars that appear in the movie, like this Cadillac and this row of Chevrolets (there are 3 more 1958 Chevrolets past that one!).

rjluna2 US

2009-11-21 05:17

D***, nice find :king:

Raul1983 FI

2009-11-21 13:00

It's good that places like this one still exist. So many big junkyards have been demolished in recent years.

chicomarx BE

2009-11-21 19:34

CougarTim wrote

If you go on Steetview on S Willow Ave, you can actually see some of the cars that appear in the movie, like this Cadillac and this row of Chevrolets (there are 3 more 1958 Chevrolets past that one!).

:king: Here's a direct link:,+93725&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.957823,56.162109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=4248+S+Willow+Ave,+Fresno,+California+93725&t=h&layer=c&cbll=36.672814,-119.726833&panoid=tGyy0QDXKhLT__UVL_Wyfw&cbp=12,257.36,,0,7.76&ll=36.672808,-119.726837&spn=0.013114,0.020771&z=16

Ingo DE

2009-11-21 20:08

leoz wrote For some, a field of dreams, for others a graveyard! :cry:

:no: The chance of surviving is much bigger there than there:

:wow: While searching on youtube, randomly I've the junkyard of a friend :) :
It's Tinhunter.
P.S. It's K 70-free. I've picked out three Majorette... ;)

What's you now? Is it possible for any IMCDB-member to check the place in reality?

-- Last edit: 2009-11-21 20:16:36

marioman3138 AU

2010-01-17 05:30

Saw 2 E-Types and a Merc 300SL!

Ingo DE

2014-03-27 05:17

atom wrote Fresno:

Depending on the weather-situation and if we visit General Sherman (today we sat the whole day in the lodge due the snow) then, there may be a chance to visit that location tomorrow. My wife hasn' t noticed, that the address is already recorded in the Tomtom [:whistle]

atom SE

2014-03-27 13:51

Ingo, if you have the time would you mind look for this part for me?
[Image: img_1646.jpg] [Image: img_2081.jpg]
It's a chrome trim piece for a 1949 or 1950 Ford. I know they had one on a car behind a barn outside of the regular yard. I should have bought it when I visited the yard last year, don't know why I didn't do it :/

You use a GPS? Do you rent it with the car or did you bring your own? On my road trips in the US I have found it handy to buy one month mobile subscription for my own phone, that way I have unlimited Internet access and I can use Google maps in the phone to navigate.

Ingo DE

2014-03-28 05:42

Sorry, it was not possible to make a stop there, although we passed Fresno :( My wife was not really interested and we had lost a lot of time and missed some sights in the park due the weather. The driving on the icy roads in the Sequoia NP had cost a lot of time, too.

We use a Tomtom-GPS with US-software, but it's a bit outdated, because we bought it for our Canada-trip in 2011. We also have my wife's new tablet and her also new Smartphone with us. And our rental-car, a Ford Explorer, has a full GPS-equipment, too (but we don't use it).
At our US-eastcoast-trip in 2008 we made the mistake to rent a GPS - very expensive. So for the next trip we bought an US-spec Tomtom used via eBay from a German couple, who had bought it in N.Y. just for their own trip a few weeks before.

Ingo DE

2014-03-28 06:37

P.S. the purchase of the part would make a problem even bigger: there are already too many souveniers and outlet store-items... Although I haven't bought the *cough* Hillman-engine-repair-manual on the Rose Bowl flea market in Pasadena. [:whistle]

Annother destination/event for a next USA-trip came in my mind: :) I'm neither a believer, Trekkie or anyone like that, just the total opposite - but I've a big faible for conspiracy theorists ("truther" is a new created term for them in German) and I enjoy their unbelievable bullshit, they are publishing in the Web :king:

-- Last edit: 2014-03-28 06:38:42

DidierF FR

2014-03-28 06:49

And where to find him? On a junkyard-voyeur movie! ingo, you are a weirdo.
Happy hollidays!

Ingo DE

2014-03-30 05:07

@DidierF: not that bad. Not for a married man. Then the plans to make "scrapyard vacations" are harder to realize :/ But I'd never been that extreme as some fellows, for example Martin, the "tinhunter" He and his fellows just drove over 800 km one way, after they have heard, that in Southern France someone has discovered a junkjard with pre-war-cars. Of course every of his vacations was a junkyard-vacation. So he has the world's biggest colection of junkyard-pics. Hopefully his new homepage will be ready some day.

P.S. My wife is a bit angry about this posting. I've told the truth on her question "What are you writing on my tablet?" - "An apologize, that you didn't let me spend time on this junkyard"

BrentMosher420 US

2015-05-21 08:12

Wow, the demographics in Fresno are way more interesting than where I live. Last time I went to my local junkyard, the rarest pre-1985 foreign car I could find was a Nissan Stanza... How sad is that?

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