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The Day the Earth Stood Still, Movie, 2008 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Neptune, stronghold

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Also known as:

  • O dia em que a Terra Parou (Brazil)
  • Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand (Germany)
  • Ultimatum a la Tierra (Spain)
  • Päivä jona maailma pysähtyi (Finland)
  • Le jour où la terre s'arrêta (France)
  • Ultimatum alla terra (Italy)
  • El día que la Tierra se detuvo (Peru)
  • El día que paralizaron la tierra (Venezuela)

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Comments about this movie

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Neptune US

2008-09-16 02:42

[Image: 27551276gf1.9919.jpg] [Image: 56633311nt9.8224.jpg]

Captures from HD Theatrical Trailer ...

Neptune US

2008-09-16 02:42

[Image: 12045440mj7.3228.jpg]

I wonder if that orb is Gort ... ?

taxiguy US

2008-09-16 03:02

An obvious remake of a very good 1950s alien movie. I can already tell I won't like it :o

Neptune US

2008-09-16 03:47

Never judge a book by it’s cover until you’ve read it ... :p

I loved the original, so I’m sure I’ll like this one.

taxiguy US

2008-09-17 00:13

But a modern remake of a classic movie is always worse than the original. I could give you some examples but there's too many to list...

emir144 AR

2009-01-24 03:28

hi everybody!i have a question .what´s about the honda civic that jennifer connelly drives in the movie?why doesn´t appear in the list?about the movie,the original is better.the new is a bad copy whit a hightech touch. saludos.

-- Last edit: 2009-01-24 03:32:40

Ford_Guy US

2009-01-24 03:35

Hello :)
The reason it does not appear is because only pictures from the theatrical trailer were added, which did not feature the Civic. But I have added the Civic on the main page. In the future, someone will add the whole movie when it becomes available, including her car ;)

emir144 AR

2009-01-27 02:43

oh,sorry i don`t known that.sorry again but when i saw this car isn´t in the page, i only make a suggestion.
by the way,your cars database is awesome.

Ford_Guy US

2009-01-27 02:59

That's quite alright ;)
And thank you, the rest of the moderators and contributors do a really good job at making it what it is.

stronghold EN

2009-03-30 13:50

[Image: daytheearthstoodstill20.3393.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20z.2252.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20s.6369.jpg][Image: daytheearthwasgreen28.3184.jpg]
[Image: daytheearthstoodstill20lku.2589.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20uhx.8816.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20rip.5165.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20hrf.364.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20ays.8499.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20izn.3057.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20wsq.5231.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20xux.6055.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20nje.6412.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20v.2033.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20n.9610.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20p.5928.jpg]

Dvd extras from:-
[Image: daytheearthwasgreen1.8316.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-03-30 15:58:21

stronghold EN

2009-03-30 13:50

part seen/far background vehicles:-
[Image: daytheearthstoodstill20l.5286.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20iaz.9021.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20rnq.342.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20ebb.7602.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20q.9493.jpg]
1/ (corgi) Land Rover, 2 to 5/ Various,
[Image: daytheearthstoodstill20m.4553.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20rhh.6825.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20hya.7920.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20uae.1797.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20dda.6219.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20bpt.4027.jpg]
6 & 7/ unknown truck, 8/ off roaders, 9,10 & 11/ various military vehicles

Below part seen in the dvd extras:-
[Image: daytheearthwasgreen20.8853.jpg] [Image: daytheearthwasgreen21.5411.jpg] [Image: daytheearthwasgreen23.684.jpg] [Image: daytheearthwasgreen24.9587.jpg] [Image: daytheearthwasgreen27.735.jpg]
1 & 2/ unknown suv, 3/ ford e-350, 4 & 5/ gmc pick-up

-- Last edit: 2009-03-30 15:53:13

stronghold EN

2009-03-30 13:50

[Image: daytheearthstoodstill20c.9173.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20hdx.5482.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20v.2033.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20a.9858.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20o.6931.jpg] [Image: daytheearthstoodstill20bav.1284.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-03-30 15:25:09

Venomous Mink US

2009-03-31 01:35

An insult to the original. :mad:

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