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Spender, UK TV Series, 1991-1993 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Sandie

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Sandie SX

2011-08-25 01:52

Most of the captures I made from the YouTube videos are so poor so I'm not going to add anything except the Audi and a blank for the main character's car.

No DVD available (or seemingly likely to be available in the near future) so it will probably be the best we can get :(

-- Last edit: 2011-08-25 01:52:50

Sandie SX

2012-04-03 03:55

For rjluna2:
[Image: Trafficlights.jpg] also see: /vehicle_490429-Austin-Maestro-500-LM10.html

-- Last edit: 2012-04-03 04:50:07

rjluna2 US

2012-04-22 01:14

Sandie wrote For rjluna2:

My comments at Traffic Lights in Internet Movie Car Database :)

Sandie SX

2012-04-25 20:54

Opening titles:
[Image: spender.jpg] [Image: spender2.jpg] [Image: spender3.jpg]

Sandie SX

2012-05-06 04:00

Series One Completed.

Bin Lorry in 1.07:
[Image: binlorry.jpg]

And an old Mac for IMC(omputer)Db:
[Image: mac.jpg] [Image: mac2.jpg]

rjluna2 US

2012-05-06 04:07

Sandie wrote And an old Mac for IMC(omputer)Db:
[Image: mac.jpg] [Image: mac2.jpg]

That is the Macintosh Plus.

Sandie SX

2012-05-09 16:44

Part seen (but used) van in 2.02:
[Image: unknownvan.jpg]

banger134 EN

2012-05-09 20:56

Sandie wrote Part seen (but used) van in 2.02:
[Image: unknownvan.jpg]

the vans a Transit mk2

Sandie SX

2012-08-18 14:15

Series Completed.

Spender's boss has a R17 series 800 in Series 3, but it's never clearly seen.
[Image: rover800.17.jpg] [Image: rover800.18.jpg]

Another Rover (could again be a R17, but I think rather a R8):
[Image: roverunknown.jpg]

Many, many bikes are seen in 3.05 (with the quality of the pics here I didn't really think it worth adding some of the backgrounds):
[Image: bikes.jpg] [Image: bikes3.jpg] [Image: bikes4.jpg]

Follow up TV Movie at: /movie_1597727-Spender--The-French-Collection.html

-- Last edit: 2012-08-18 14:17:49

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