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Rest Stop: Don't Look Back, Movie, 2008 IMDB

Pictures provided by: opal

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Also known as:

  • Parada mortal (Argentina)
  • Área de descanso 2 - No mires atrás (Spain)
  • Epomeni stasi - Min koitas piso (Greece)
  • Pihenõ a pokolban: Ne nézz hátra! (Hungary)

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Comments about this movie

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opal TH

2011-06-27 11:07

In the 1972, the Winnebago family encounters the Driver (Brionne Davis) standing on the side of the road next to the yellow pickup, out of gas. Once in the R.V., Mrs. Winnebago begins to flirt heavily with the Driver, asking Scotty, her physically deformed child, to take a picture with his camera.........

What the mistake is the RV and the pickup is not in 1972!

-- Last edit: 2011-06-27 11:11:52

Lateef NO

2011-06-27 12:53

They made a sequel? Wasn't the first movie bad enough? I thought so.

BigRiggs1 UK

2012-07-26 11:19

opal wrote the mistake is the RV and the pickup is not in 1972!

I"ve always thought that. The truck post-dates it by five years and the chuffing RV post-dates it by 16 years. I can't believe no-one noticed that huge anachronism when they were filming it.

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