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2016 Tesla Model S 90D

2016 Tesla Model S in ZombieLars, TV Series, 2017-2019 IMDB Ep. 1.03

Class: Cars, Hatchback — Model origin: US — Made for: N

2016 Tesla Model S 90D

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


Lateef NO

2017-06-17 13:42

[Image: 2017-06-1713_27_14-greenshot.jpg]
Merke og modell TESLA MOTORS MODEL S
Registreringsnummer EK 10574
Understellsnummer 5YJSA7E29GF132582
Registreringsår 2016
Sist EU-godkjent Ikke kontrollert
Neste kontroll 30.04.2020


2017-06-17 14:22

Built in NL?

Lateef NO

2017-06-17 16:03

11th digit F means assembled in Fremont, CA.

Lateef NO

2017-06-17 16:13

Forum post on:

OleJA wrote Grunnen til at Tesla skrur sammen biler i Nederland er for å unngå importskatt på biler til EU. Dette er ikke relevant for Norge og Sveits.
Ser dere på innlegget vedr 'lanes med biler' så var disse hovedsaklig merket Drammen og Zurich.
Så jeg er sikker på at Norske biler bygges helt ferdige i US. Tesla har produksjonsmessig ingenting å tjene på å shippe Norske TMS i deler.

The reason Tesla assembles their cars in Netherlands is in order to avoid taxation for importing cars into the EU. This is irrelevant for Norway and Switzerland.
If you look at the article about 'lanes of cars' you may notice these were mainly labeled Drammen and Zurich.
Therefore I'm certain that cars for the Norwegian market are wholly assembled in the US. In terms of production, Tesla has nothing to earn by shipping incomplete Norwegian Teslas.

I'll change the listing into "made for N" and remove built in NL for all other Norwegian Teslas.

dsl SX

2017-06-17 18:08

I don't know the actual facts, but surely if you're assembling cars in NL, you might as well supply all of Europe, not just EU countries. A European spec would be 99.99% shared across countries, with much smaller differences than with a US spec. Plus supplies of bought-in components commonalised - eg tyres, glass, leather, light bulbs, etc etc. And makes life easier for owners/servicing/repairs etc if all European units share same spec. Having a separate import system to supply just N and CH from US seems too complicated.

Lateef NO

2017-06-17 20:09

It's stated in the article that EU-spec models are assembled in the US also, so my guess would be that there are both NL and US-assembled cars in Europe, EU or not.

BTW, "just" N and CH - are you aware that Norway is the biggest market for the Model S outside of the US?

-- Last edit: 2017-06-17 20:30:07

dsl SX

2017-06-17 20:38

Lateef wrote .... are you aware that Norway is the biggest market for the Model S outside of the US?

I was not 10 minutes ago. But I am now. Does that mean Norwegians are buying the Model S in shedloads, or just that it's died on its feet (or wheels?) everywhere else, despite the Dutch venture??

Lateef NO

2017-06-17 20:56

17% of all cars sold in Norway are electric, the biggest share in the world, thanks to policies encouraging the distribution of electric vehicles. For instance, electric cars are exempt from VAT and toll payment, there are several designated free parking spots reserved for them, and they are allowed to drive in lanes reserved for public transportation.

These policies, however, are mostly temporary and will not be that advantageous in a few years from now. However, electric cars will still sell like hotcakes.

cl82 DE

2017-06-17 21:10

Yes, a couple of months ago I read that the Tesla is the best-selling car in Norway. In Reutlingen, Germany which is near where I live at the moment there's even one in taxi-service now.

rtsbusman1997 US

2017-06-18 09:59

Lateef wrote 17% of all cars sold in Norway are electric, the biggest share in the world, thanks to policies encouraging the distribution of electric vehicles. For instance, electric cars are exempt from VAT and toll payment, there are several designated free parking spots reserved for them, and they are allowed to drive in lanes reserved for public transportation.

These policies, however, are mostly temporary and will not be that advantageous in a few years from now. However, electric cars will still sell like hotcakes.

Wow, that is a assload of overextending just to get people to buy electric cars. Here in the US, you throw some rebates and really lean on the whole "you can help save the environment" theme and bingo, you have literally all the customers you could hope for (and more)

Ingo DE

2017-06-25 16:34

rtsbusman1997 wrote
Wow, that is a assload of overextending just to get people to buy electric cars. Here in the US, you throw some rebates and really lean on the whole "you can help save the environment" theme and bingo, you have literally all the customers you could hope for (and more)

But actually this ideology "electric cars are saving the environment" is bullshit.
Because noone thinks about the question, where the raw materials for all kind of modern electronic comes from and what are the ecological, economical and social circumstances of the extraction.

dsl SX

2017-06-25 16:55

..... and if the electricity is generated by nuclear, then any claim of environment friendliness is ludicrous.

Baube QC

2017-06-25 17:09

even if the electricity is made by water like here, i still wondering about the batteries...

johnfromstaffs EN

2017-06-25 18:19

Nuclear or any fossil fuel, the only way to generate electrical power cleanly is by the use of wind or sun, maybe tidal but that has so many other ramifications that it may be as bad as anything else.


2017-06-25 18:24

A hybrid car with solar panel on the roof and the internal combustion engine driving on biofuel: this could be for the moment the best environmental-friendly solution in my opinion... :think:

Ingo DE

2017-06-25 21:13

AleX_DJ wrote A hybrid car with solar panel on the roof and the internal combustion engine driving on biofuel: this could be for the moment the best environmental-friendly solution in my opinion... :think:

You know, that some raw material for the machine, you have posted this comment with, was digged by Kongolese children-slaves and made some warlords rich?

antp BE

2017-06-25 21:27

johnfromstaffs wrote Nuclear or any fossil fuel, the only way to generate electrical power cleanly is by the use of wind or sun, maybe tidal but that has so many other ramifications that it may be as bad as anything else.

Norway produces most of its energy via hydro, as they have many rivers for that, so that's rather clean power.
Baube wrote even if the electricity is made by water like here, i still wondering about the batteries...

And moreover, the life of the car may be shortened by both that and Tesla's rather restrictive conditions (e.g. in case of heavy damage, they must approve the repairs, as they decide if the car can be used again or if it stays remotely locked by them)

-- Last edit: 2017-06-25 21:29:43

Baube QC

2017-06-25 21:29

still.. it modifies nature's ways one way or another..

antp BE

2017-06-25 21:30

Everything modifies nature then. In a way, human is part of the nature too :p
Why are all the changes made by animals especially better than any change made by human?

edit: animals tend to consume all available resources, like we do.
If you take par example some species "moved" by human that had/have catastrophic results (rabbits in Australia is the first one I can think about).
At some point the balance ends well. In our case, we don't especially kill earth, just us (and a bunch of other species along the way).
There was a good example with a island where the deer population raised, then declined when they consumed all resources, then went back to a normal amount, I can't find it now.

-- Last edit: 2017-06-25 21:35:25

Baube QC

2017-06-25 21:37

i don't know.. maybe we should hire beavers to do hydroelectric dams.. ;)

by modifies nature its what i meant : animals moved out by humans .. some rivers here had to be modified to run in specific places , animals had to adjust to the fact they won't get anymore wter from the point they used to get it ( or the opposite, getting their feeding points flooded ), deforestation to bring the materials to build the dam, etc...

but if we want electricity, there is no way to get it without a negative point somewhere..

-- Last edit: 2017-06-26 05:15:47

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