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1929 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Turismo Cabriolet

1929 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Turismo in Fangio: Una vita a 300 all'ora, Documentary, 1980 IMDB

Class: Cars, Convertible — Model origin: IT

1929 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Turismo Cabriolet

[*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle



2018-05-21 15:55

Achille Varzi's funeral, Bern, Switzerland 1949

[Image: videots-1mkv_snapshot_004157_20180513_220432.jpg]

dsl SX

2018-05-21 18:09



2018-05-22 14:13

moff wrote Achille Varzi's funeral, Bern, Switzerland 1949

[Image: videots-1mkv_snapshot_004157_20180513_220432.jpg]

Looks like the watermark on this picture is wrong: it was actually his hometown of Galliate, Italy, 6th of July 1948

Link to "www.lastampa.it"
http://markmorey.blogspot.it/p/the-last-great-race-pictures.html (scroll down to the last picture)

Same footage in this italian newsreel: https://youtu.be/bYp2nVWnL_w?t=54

-- Last edit: 2018-05-22 14:15:06

993cc VA

2021-03-20 20:55

1929-33 6C 1750 Gran Turismo /Cabriolet/. Probably..

An educated guess after some research. For a car stripped like that (even radiator cowl) the long wheelbase and windshield line were only clues.
Too long and wide for a racecar/sportscar like a Gran Sport etc. Note distance from driver to rear axle, this is a 4/5 seat car and an open body. You'll find more bodies like that based on the 6C rather than the 8C though who made it is a more open question. Perhaps based on something similar to this Link to "www.ruotevecchie.org" but with 1750 engine as 2300 was mostly used with mid-1930s+ cars.
Above tube video: at 0:56 there's a glimpse of the back which is devoid of bodywork just as the front. Other views show lengthy wheelbase [Image: varzialfa_1.1.jpg] and from above [Image: varzialfa_2.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2021-03-24 16:11:16

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