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1981 GMC RTS-04 [T8J-204]

1981 GMC RTS-04 [T8J-204] in Highway to Heaven (Jesus of Malibu), TV Series, 1984-1989 IMDB Ep. 1.04

Class: Bus, Single-deck — Model origin: US

1981 GMC RTS-04 [T8J-204]

[*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


supcoach US

2019-08-24 01:17

GMC as RTS 1977–1987. Episode date makes it filmed in 1983 or 1984, so a GMC

RTS-01, RTS-03 or RTS-04

Exiv96 BE

2019-08-24 01:58


Link to ""

supcoach US

2019-08-24 02:08

According to Wiki, 04s were first produced for the 1981 model year.

mp775 US

2019-08-26 15:07

This is an '81.

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