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1994 FSO Polonez Caro [B01]

1994 FSO Polonez Caro [B01] in It's a Free World..., Movie, 2007 IMDB

Class: Cars, Hatchback — Model origin: PL

1994 FSO Polonez Caro [B01]

[*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-10-29 22:31

Its Caro? then i wont buy it :lol:

fck PL

2007-11-02 20:46

carchasesfanatic wrote Its Caro? then i wont buy it :lol:

what do you mean?

DynaMike NL

2007-11-02 20:48

Caro = expensive (in Spanish) ;)

Bravada PL

2007-11-02 20:52

Definitely not that one... I think it was called something else in some export markets where the associations with the name were unfavorable.

fck PL

2007-12-23 21:31

Bravada wrote Definitely not that one... I think it was called something else in some export markets where the associations with the name were unfavorable.

for example Prima(Caro) and Celina(Atu) in Netherlands.

Bravada PL

2007-12-23 22:16

I do know a certain Celina, which makes it even more hillarious. Good thing they didn't try that in Poland :D

Ingo DE

2007-12-23 22:42

Oouugh, my wife is thinking about the name "Celina", if we would have a daughter. So for me that name is not to discuss. If I would have a child, it shall not be named as such a car. Sorry, if it sounds nationalistic, but a Polonez is neither stylish or modern. It was even not modern, when it was launched (1977, I think?)

Sometimes you can give your children the name of your car. No kidding, children of Borgward-enthusiasts are very often named "Isabella" or "Alexander".

Hmm, what else can be possible? :think:
Carina? Serena is impossible in Germany - a well known sanitary napkin has that name. Perhaps Arabella or Ariane.

Bravada PL

2007-12-23 22:50

I don't think anybody saw "Polonez" as an especially apropriate name, but then again the vehicle was no wonder of technology either (though I'd say a rather skillful update). Is your wife Polish, or is "Celina" a popular name in Germany (like the Russian "Tania" apparently)?

How about Morris, in case it's a boy?

Ingo DE

2007-12-23 22:58

I know that car as a "Polonez". No, my wife's family was coming from Silesia in 1945, but is German. "Celina" is not very popular -as I know- but about the names, people are giving their children nowadays, often you have to shake your head. My wife likes the music of Celine Dion (me not really) and has heard "Celina" somewhere.

"Morris" would be quite rare - but I'm not a real fan of British cars. In Germany today the most people don't know the British car-brand "Morris", they associate more "Doc Morris", the Dutch Internet-pharmacy with that name.

Alexander DE

2007-12-23 23:31

Well, Ingo, I guess your boys will be called Ewald and Claus ... ;)

Ingo DE

2007-12-23 23:38

I don't think so. These names are a bit oldfashioned - but not too oldfashioned to be popular again. Actually the names from around 1870-1910 are back again.

The avaricious lawyer in the "Hägar"-cartoons is called "Ewald der Anwalt" in the German translation.

Alexander DE

2007-12-23 23:42

Come on, Ingo, don't disappoint me. You sure know why I picked those names especially for you, don't you?

Bravada PL

2007-12-23 23:43

How about Irmgard or Arnhild for a daugther then?

Ingo DE

2007-12-23 23:43

Alexander wrote Well, Ingo, I guess your boys will be called Ewald and Claus ... ;)

Would "Huschke" be possible? At least someone, who has participated at the Rallye Monte Carlo with "my" car. "Petermax" I would never take. I lived during my childhood just 50 meters away from his company, a VW-sales-shop. Expensive and arrogant people were over there. And he even didn't answered my request about the "Monte" 1971. Huschke von Hanstein did. His autograph is still hanging in a frame just over my PC.

Ingo DE

2007-12-23 23:45

Alexander wrote Come on, Ingo, don't disappoint me. You sure know why I picked those names especially for you, don't you?

Yes, now I got it. Sorry, my brain is overkilled. I had to help my wife to prepare Christmas - her whole family will come.

Alexander DE

2007-12-23 23:56

Ingo wrote ... I had to help my wife to prepare Christmas - her whole family will come.

I feel with you! Anyhow, have a nice one!

Gamer DE

2023-08-19 15:38

1994 by plate.

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