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1963 Commer CA

1963 Commer CA in The New Avengers, TV Series, 1976-1977 IMDB Ep. 1.03

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: UK

1963 Commer CA

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle



2006-01-08 22:40

This is a CA model of 1962/63 probably a 741 7 tonner. The Rootes Diesel sign under the grille and the twin exhaust box setup under the front bumper shows this truck is powered by the TS3 3 cylinder horizontally opposed two-stroke diesel engine. This motor had a very unique sound that once heard was never forgottn and was a very fuel efficient engine.

londonitalian UK

2007-11-22 06:19

wow, a 3 cylinder 2 stroke in something that big?!? what capacity was it?

chris40 UK

2007-11-22 09:44
I once worked for a firm that mostly ran Commers, and believe me redbeard's right: I loved the sound they made. The fitters weren't very fond of them, though; they weren't very easy to work on.

londonitalian UK

2007-12-03 15:36

That was fascinating, thanks for that Chris!

sixcyl FR

2011-11-06 22:37

[Image: 733050LORAA.jpg] [Image: 756632LORAB.jpg] [Image: 578728LORAC.jpg] [Image: 687492LORAD.jpg]
Ep.1.03 "The last of the Cybernauts...?" Le dernier des Cybernautes

dsl SX

2011-11-06 23:16

Late 63 plate. "Warm Fuels" doesn't seem a very enthusiastic brand-name.

rjluna2 US

2024-01-15 20:21

Time index is 03:37 from "The Last of the Cybernauts...??" (#1.03) - [*][*]
[Image: na1_03_1963comer_03_37.jpg]

Other views from "The Last of the Cybernauts...??" (#1.03):
[Image: na1_03_1963comer_03_32.jpg] [Image: na1_03_duo_03_33.jpg] [Image: na1_03_duo_03_33a.jpg] [Image: na1_03_1963comer_03_46.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-01-15 21:26:24

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