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1957 Leyland Titan OPD2/6 MCW Orion

1957 Leyland Titan OPD2/6 in El Cochecito, Movie, 1960 IMDB

Class: Bus, Double-deck — Model origin: UK — Made for: E

1957 Leyland Titan OPD2/6 MCW Orion

Pos: 00:19:54 [*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-06-14 18:32


chris40 UK

2008-06-14 20:32

British bus with a 'Birmingham front'. These could be Leylands, Daimlers, Crossleys ... I know Madrid used Leylands, so I'd suggest Leyland. (Comments?)

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-06-14 20:33

Leyland Titan you mean?

chris40 UK

2008-06-14 20:37

Probably, but which Titan I don't know. Best wait for an expert :p

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-06-14 20:42

ok :D

fsebus FR

2008-06-15 00:20

1957: EMT Madrid commande 50 Leyland OPD2/6, carrosserie MCW
Est-ce l'un d'eux?

johnfromstaffs EN

2008-06-15 10:17

Described by Edinburgh Corporation as "Monstrous masses of shivering tin" the MCW Orion coachwork was light in weight and spartan in finish, but sold well and was popular with bus operators as the buses were economical with fuel.

If we are agreed that one of the buses from the link above is shown in the picture under consideration, then the description should be "Leyland Titan OPD2/MCW Orion".

-- Last edit: 2008-06-15 11:32:38

JavierDiesel ES

2008-09-07 22:50

MCW stands for Metro-Cammel-Weymann, the famous british body builder.

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