
Last completed movie pages

1982 Iveco Z-Range [Z]

1982 Iveco Z-Range [Z] in 特務迷城 (The Accidental Spy), Movie, 2001 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: IT — Built in: TR

1982 Iveco Z-Range [Z]

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


Neon IT

2008-08-04 14:27


_Sn4Ke_ SI

2008-08-04 20:38

License from Zastava Zeta.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2008-08-04 20:42

No, the Iveco is the original and the Zastava is the licenced version.

Weasel1984 PL

2013-03-05 22:27

Can be 1982 by what is visble, but possibly a later one form the local production.

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