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Peterbilt 359

Peterbilt 359 in Joy Ride: Dead Ahead, Movie, 2008 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Trailer truck (tractor) — Model origin: US

Peterbilt 359

[*][*][*][*] Vehicle used a lot by a main character or for a long time

Comments about this vehicle


Ddey65 US

2008-11-26 18:15

Peterbilt 359(I considered that it might've been a 379, but those round quad headlights kept giving me doubts).

-- Last edit: 2008-11-27 20:43:44

Max1349 CA

2008-11-28 02:09

i comfirm that it's a 359

Skid US

2008-12-04 21:48

As if the first "Joy Ride" didn't rip off "Duel" enough...

4x4 23

2008-12-23 00:47

Ddey65 wrote Peterbilt 359(I considered that it might've been a 379, but those round quad headlights kept giving me doubts).

No, it's a 359

4x4 23

2008-12-23 00:58

It's a 1984 Peterbilt 359, Cause in Special Features under the making of Joy Ride 2 Dead Ahead: when they were talking about the Car flip "the end of the car and Kayla" They say that they were using a 1971 Chevy Chevelle attached to a 1984 Peterbilt 359 Tractor I think one of the Producers say that and If you look the Breathers are painted with the with kinda a chrome V-top if look on the chrome tops they have 3 rings around them each are more wider than the others
and the Double Bunk didn't Come out until 1982 For Peterbilts but they had a small breather on the drivers side kinda like Duel's Peterbilt 281 1983 is when they started the big breather and in 1983 you still had a choice for the small breather

4x4 23

2008-12-23 01:02

wasserspeier wrote End of the truck


If you look at the 4th picture on the back side of it going down the cliff you can see it's a different truck just look at the stacks, Motor's Missing and alot more different than the main one if you look closely I think the one that wnt down the cliff actually I think the one that went off the cliff was one that was bought for Joy Ride 1 but never featured in it If I am right "not sure though" the one that went off the cliff was an 1983 Peterbilt 359

But the one featured on the top in the picture is the 1984

4x4 23

2008-12-30 03:30

I actually think this truck is a 359 EXHD Cause it looks like to me this Peterbilt has an Extended Hood

4x4 23

2009-01-04 02:51

Bandit wrote The Double Bunk Sleepers came out around 1978, not 1982.

Well i saw on a Peterbilt Web site it was 1982 sorry for my mistack but 1978 no i relooked on a different web site after i saw that post it up it was 1979 you were one year off

But i heard they were 3 of these Peterbilts in the movie to play this 359 and

#1 the 1984 That was the truck that was mostly featured did some stunts in and faced a little bit Damage this truck came from Death Valley,CA from R&H Trucking Transportation they hauled fuel "tankers" and they figured out universal needed a truck for this movie a it kinda looked alike so they sold it to Universal Lots then 3 weeks after the movie came out this truck and the 1985 from Joy Ride 1 were purchased from a guy in Milwaukee, Wisconsin he even purchased the Trailer from Joy Ride 1 and the Trailer from Joy Ride 2 and put them to work for his small truck fleet actually this was the truck that flipped over the and drove through the car this truck was purchased the way you see it in the movie inface the damage was fixed quickly it was in the next scene when he pulls in his house with
Nik in his truck

#2 The 1983 it was a truck that was purchased for Joy Ride 1 and they never used it, it was a twin to the one that went through the Hotel in Joy Ride 1 "same year purchase at the same time and same company and everything" "but it faced slight modifications to it for this movie" It was only in one Scene and that was in the Cliff Scene this was the truck that took a plung off the cliff burning it was alot different than Truck #1 & #3 This truck has been scrapped to this day

#3 this is the truck i can give you the most information on i know the guy who had it before the movie it was in a samll fleet that hauled Hay it was navy blue before the movie all they had to do is paint it for the movie it was an 1981 Peterbilt 359 it was owned by Martin Farms the owner was Bill Martin he was a hay hauler that hauled hay for people down he hauled all over the USA & Canada this truck was used in the scenes of When Kayla gives him the finger and in the window of the truck stop "But when i rev's up after he kidnapped Bobby it was the 84" but when they got back to the truck stops window it was this truck, it was in the whole scene of when Goldilocks had to strip, it was used in the scene after he kidnaps Nik when he races some one and to when he chases the girls it was use to pull out on the highway, it was used in the scene between the car flip and when he drives through the car, it used in scene after Rusty Nail Ripped somebody's jaw out when he was talking to Melissa over the CB when he sends to go get Crystal myth,It was used when he baked up to the cattle trailer and when Goldilocks first steeled Rusty Nail's Truck then when Bobby said GO! and the showed th back side when she first was accelerating it switched to the 84 This truck was in Islands Falls,Maine at the end the end the movie they only had 2 trucks Truck #1 & #3 cause this was was filming an episdoe in Criminal Minds where it faced several modifications and it was Wrecked Universal Bought a Ware house near Phoenix,Arizona where they put many wrecked in including this one this truck is located near Phoenix,Arizona in a ware house today

How do i know all the info on these trucks is I wanted to know so I contacted George Sack plus remember i told you about Truck #1 being a 1984 you guy's pretty much had the info on Truck #1

-- Last edit: 2009-01-04 17:18:36

klint SE

2009-08-05 10:26

When going down the cliff, look at the backaxles. They look so spread or is it just me...?

Ford Big Rigs US

2010-06-06 05:49

klint wrote When going down the cliff, look at the backaxles. They look so spread or is it just me...?

they do actually look spread and look at the stacks too, there different and the truck that goes down a cliff is missing an engine, this is truck is also a 1984 Peterbilt 359 EXHD, the truck is an extended hood like the truck in the first movie too

Tonka36 US

2011-02-05 00:26

That had to be one of the greatest posting wars I've ever scene!!!!!!!!!!!

Red Fever US

2011-09-07 03:46

4x4 23 wrote I actually think this truck is a 359 EXHD Cause it looks like to me this Peterbilt has an Extended Hood

It is..............

kelleymcalest US

2011-11-07 00:47

It is a 1984 Peterbilt 359 Extended hood, 63" Sleeper, and probably a 250" wheelbase. You can tell by how straight the hood is, the headlights, and the breathers. Also the cab is narrower than a 379. And you could definitely tell if it was a short hood, they are very short. That hood is 127" and a short hood is 119". Big difference.

GTO 990

2012-08-20 14:58

1984 Peterbilt 359 EXHD


2019-07-24 01:52

klint wrote When going down the cliff, look at the backaxles. They look so spread or is it just me...?

Several Peterbilt's were used for the movie.

Bray7 US

2022-04-19 06:36

The first Joy Ride's main truck was a 1985 Peterbilt 359. The one used here was a 1984 Peterbilt 359 EXHD. Joy Ride 3 used a 1976 Peterbilt 359 EXHD.

-- Last edit: 2022-08-13 05:23:00

F15007 US

2023-02-07 05:54

The truck in the second film is a 1984 Peterbilt 359 EXHD as Bray7 just above me had stated they even say it on the dvd bonus features of the film of when behind the scene's of when they destroy the Chavelle and talking about how they filmed that stunt

Also I had posted documents under the truck from the first film that the truck when the truck from the first film was for sale confirming that the truck in this film is indeed a 1984 Peterbilt 359 EXHD if anyone wants to go see that post

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