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Allis-Chalmers M8 High-Speed Tractor as MMZ ZSU-23-4 Shilka

Allis-Chalmers M8 High-Speed Tractor in Red Dawn, Movie, 1984 IMDB

Class: Others, Military armored vehicle — Model origin: US

Allis-Chalmers M8 High-Speed Tractor as MMZ ZSU-23-4 Shilka

Pos: 00:50:04 [*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


stronghold EN

2006-02-16 16:37

[Image: reddawn284tr.9440.jpg] [Image: reddawn650we.3112.jpg]

Alexander DE

2006-02-18 22:04

The running gear is identical to the T-72, while the turret is that of a ZSU-23-4.

This is a bit strange.


2006-05-29 08:25

ZSU 23 vismod used by opfor at NTC in California. Chassis is that of a M551Sheridan. The shape of the chassis and running gear give it away.

filmpanzer US

2010-03-16 23:06

It looks like something from NTC, but the Veluzat brothers who build all the film's VISMODs used a number of surplus U.S. Army M8A1 Cargo Tractors as the surrogates for their T-72s, ZSU-23-4 and an American M1 Abrams tank in "Red Dawn."

Churchill HU

2011-03-23 19:32

A Fake Soviet ZSU-23 Self Propelled Anti Aircraft Gun was built on an American M48 Tank Chassis by Veluzet Armored Vehicles, out of Newhall, California. This ZSU-23 replica was also used in 1988's Rambo III as well as the 1991 John Milius directed film Flight of the Intruder.This ZSU-23 only has fake mockup AA guns, so it is never seen firing in the movie. (via

-- Last edit: 2011-03-24 00:12:14

Harold B US

2024-10-12 03:34

Base vehicle is an Allis-Chalmers M8 High-Speed Tractor

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