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1995 Omni International V-150-S 8x8 APC

1995 Omni International V-150-S in Jeremiah, TV Series, 2002-2004 IMDB Ep. 2.06

Class: Others, Military armored vehicle — Model origin: US

1995 Omni International V-150-S 8x8 APC

Pos: 00:36:32 [*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Owner of this vehicle: Wolfbrat

Comments about this vehicle


PeteP UK

2010-01-26 15:22

Looks a bit mickey mouse as the 2nd and 3rd axles are steering but the front isn't. Possibly made for movie.

badlymad CA

2010-01-26 15:40

It's an Omni International V-150-S that has previously been seen in Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem, the Incredible Hulk and other Canadian productions:


Wolfbrat CA

2010-05-30 01:03

I'm sort of the 'beastmaster' for this vehicle and am its only driver/maintainer save for one day on 'Hulk' when I couldn't get a flight. It's been in a few things as recorded here on IMCDB and I drove in every one - most recently in a feature called "Afghan Luke" where it plays a Canadian LAV in Afghanistan. We have a few driving shots on that one (including a great sight gag if it makes the final cut) but it's static a fair bit of the time too.

I also did the crash-into-the-burning-car stunt on AVP2: Requiem (we actually did it three times), and whenever it's driving on camera that's me again. That was one miserable shoot. We had rain towers every night in the cold and I normally couldn't get out of the driver's position and the hatch leaked like a sieve.

"Jeremiah" was a lot of fun to work on. It's been up there in Britannia a couple of times (the other time was for the feature "Alone in the Dark"), and I got to do a stunt there too. We had a gag where an actor jumps on the back as we go between two narrow buildings with the .50 cal firing and we had the thing full of propane bottles with hoses run out to burners on the engine cover. I was all buttoned down with the hatches closed and visibility of nil and ran through all the fruit stands and whatever setdec they had for me to crash through, with the armourer up in the turrent firing off blanks as fast as he could. Actor jumps on the back and drops a fake grenade down 'the gas tank' (a fake gas cap we'd rigged over one of the antenna holes) and then FOOM! - a nice, big, propane explosion outside. Unfortunately there was also a major flashback INSIDE the vehicle with me and the FX guys inside, and when I got out and bent down to mess with the rear ramp, Luke Perry stared at the back of my neck and said, "Dude - you got singed!" Sure enough, all the hairs on the back of my neck were burned off. Didn't feel a thing.

It looks 'mickey mouse' in the Jeremiah photo because the add-on armour and the rest of the gack hadn't been added yet (we did that for AVP2.) The vehicle is very much an engineering prototype and is powered by a GM 6.5 turbo V8 diesel (same as in late 80s-90s Chevy pickup trucks) and an Allison AT-545 commercial vehicle transmission (think school buses, Budget trucks etc.) For the record the front two axles are steering axles much like you see on some larger cement mixers, and the rear sets are fixed. The suspension is longitudinal torsion bar - one each running the whole length of the vehicle - and the suspension itself is wishbone/ double A frame type. You can select 4 or 8 whl drive, though there's provision at each axle to take that axle offline if you pull up the floor plates. Brakes are hydraulic and inboard (inside the hull), with a booster system which again is typically used on hydraulic-brakes school buses and 5 tons. Steering is via standard steering wheel arrangement coupled to a custom designed linkage arrangement driven by a power steering box of the type fitted to larger Mack trucks.

The turret is a modified turret from a USMC LVTP-7, and would typically have a Browning M2 .50 cal on the one side, and a Mk 19 40mm grenade launcher on the other. When we got it, all the electrics had been cut with portions removed, but there was enough left for me to kitbash something in there to get the electric traverse and elevate working again. The turret armour is about 1/2" thick, and the hull armour varies from 1/4" to 1/2" depending on what part of the hull you're looking at. The rear ramp is very mickey-mouse as put together by Omni, and consists of a simple 1/4" ramp door raised and lowered by a light-duty Warn winch and 3/16" aircraft cable. For AVP2 the FX dept. rigged an air ram operated by a dive bottle which quickly raised and lowered the ramp, but that was removed after that production wrapped.

We're looking at several upgrades for the vehicle before the end of the year to include the same Cat 3116 powerplant used in the production LAVs, and air brakes instead of the hydraulic ones. We'd like to engineer a hydraulic ramp to replace the cable-op one too, but that'll probably be in next year's budget.

Check out the below for more pics/info - and feel free to grab any photos you want.

player2u US

2015-04-21 03:54

Wolfbrat wrote I'm sort of the 'beastmaster' for this vehicle [...]

Do you have a website or a way to contact you I have a few questions on your vehicle.


-- Last edit: 2015-04-21 17:02:42 (antp)

antp BE

2015-04-21 17:04

I guess that the link he posted is his site, or at least that he is associated with it.
(no need to quote the full post btw, I shortened it from your message)

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