Class: Cars, Off-road / SUV — Model origin:
The vehicle is part of the movie
Author | Message |
◊ 2010-03-14 14:05 |
Model origin USSR. |
◊ 2010-03-14 14:54 |
"Mad Max"-edition? ![]() |
◊ 2010-03-15 03:09 |
Thats bank security truck in the movie. Actualy Niva realy ruined "american" athmosphere back in the days. |
◊ 2010-03-15 11:12 |
Surely they could have done better than that. Just getting a fairly big van would be an improvement. ![]() |
◊ 2010-03-17 20:33 |
Was the Niva ever exported to the USA or other American countries (except Cuba)? It was exported to West Germany since the start of the production -it's still available- , but there was no export to the DDR, except some single one for the Nomenklatura. The USSR had preferred to earn real money of the Capitalistic enemy with then, than to deliver them to the own "little brother" ( "colony" would be the more exact term for the DDR). |
◊ 2010-03-17 20:56 |
Ladas were sold in Canada, including the Niva. |
◊ 2010-03-18 23:41 |
ingo its not good place for russian/germanish resistance. DDR wasn't colony of USSR as France wasn't colony of USA. Who knows why those partian shitheads exported or imported something to anywhere? It allways was out of logic. Niva's was very expencive for "simple people" of all east-block countrys. -- Last edit: 2010-03-19 00:00:37 |
◊ 2010-03-19 21:55 |
@3loader: I don't have any russian/german dispute-ideas about that. The reason, why I've apostrophed the DDR as Soviet colony is caused by the way, the East German-nomenklatura has acted until 1989. They have organized their playground on their own way, it was not all done by pressure of the USSR. Poland, the CSSR and other Comecon-countries haven't tried to be so close to their "Big Brother" as the DDR had done. To be directly: everything in the DDR was shit. It was an artificial self-cobbled patch-work-"state" without any right of an own existence. Even today, 20 years later, I'm reacting really pissed, when somebody says, that not all was bad over there. This is a lie. It was ALL shit. Especially the people, who have believed in the DDR. O.k., maybe I'm a tiny bit to strict. Indeed, some things weren't really good there, at least two: gherkins and strawberry-yoghurt. Oh, not to forget him: But excellent Baumkuchen and strawberry-yoghurt implies not the right of an own existence. About the import of cars in the DDR: this is indeed a real interesting point. We talked about that here before. It was indeed the COMECON-country with the most restrictions in car-imports (except the USSR, I think). At least it was impossible for private persons, private companies and even state-owned VEB-companies. Some weeks ago a friend in my license-plate-collector's-club, who it very interested about this, too, had suggested, that we both should try to write an own book or publication about Western cars in the DDR, but I don't think, we can manage it. It's not easy to find out real hard details, as many cars there had a dark history and often not correct papers. The archive of car-registration-authority of the DDR doesn't exist any more. And except the fact, that we both seem to be the one any only interested freaks about that, I cannot handle it, to participate with the book. I'm living too far away from the former DDR, without any contemporary witnesses and without any access to a public archive or something like that. ![]() P.S. Back to topic: oops, I forgot, that there was one possibility for a DDR-citizen to get a Lada Niva! If a West German relative or friend has bought it here: (sorry, no English version of the text) - and for sure had paid Western money for it. -- Last edit: 2010-03-19 21:56:34 |
◊ 2010-03-19 22:03 |
P.S: I'm a strict and convinced "Wessi" (a manly bad nickname for a West German) and even I'm only 39 years old, I've made my own impressions. I had the luck and have visited the DDR several times between 1987 and 1990. I've seen it as a big piece of shit then, too - but it had such a big fascination, that I liked to travle around there. ![]() I'm really lucky to made these experiences, as they aren't possible any more. -- Last edit: 2010-03-19 22:04:03 |
◊ 2021-09-06 18:22 |
The film makers made a sort of prophesy in portraying a Niva as an armored vehicle: years later some Nivas got converted into cash-in-transit vehicle for real, but only small banks used it. as the engine was not so powerful to carry lots of cash... |
◊ 2022-01-01 19:58 |
Английский писатель Джеймс Хедли Чейз вроде бы никогда не был в США. Поэтому он не знал, что ни один американский инкассаторский броневик не поместится в легковой трейлер. Кадр с трейлером: ![]() задние фонари от ГАЗ-24. -- Last edit: 2023-11-12 11:46:31 |